Saturday, December 30, 2023

WYS: Worst YouTuber's of 2023 (Including Websites and Events)

Banner created by me. An alt version from the one last year.

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
This will be slightly different. I will not link the Images & Sources as I did last year but only the post. Check out the full posts for the full sources.

Well, hello there. I hope you had a good Christmas/Holiday break, and we are back at it once again to bring you the Worst YouTuber's of 2023. As 2023 is coming to a close, I thought it would be fun to go back and talk about some of the worst YouTuber's I talked about this year when compared to last year. Last year was pretty rough even after coming back to this blog and being locked out. If you want more information on what happened, you can do so by clicking here. This year's post is going to be different. I'm not going to link the sources because most of these are too long, so just click on the post links to see the full sources. With that being said, Let's begin.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Whatever Happened to Jogwheel

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person or these people.

Welcome back once again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. It has been roughly a month since I last talked about a YouTuber's disappearance from the site. The last time I ever talked about a YouTuber in this series is Combat Wombat (which was posted on November 30 of this year). Now I figured I would talk about this guy today because not only is the content interesting but also the fact that him and his friends created one of the best shows of all time. For this we have Jogwheel; which is a channel that talks about movies and used to do vlog related content.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Dr. Kenny Smiles: The Dental Predator

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person or these people.

Hey everyone, I'm back from the one week break from Christmas giving you the first post since the return of the break. Not gonna lie, a week was plenty enough to solve things in my personal life and it wasn't all that easy. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and wishing everyone a happy New Year. As 2023 is coming to a close, I thought it would be interesting to make a post on this guy because the story itself is pretty damn wild. For this, today we are going to be talking about Dr. Kenny Smiles who is not only a dentist but somewhat of a 'TikTok influencer' that grew in 'rapid succession'. However, that succession turned into manipulation and abuse for a lot of women.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Taking a Christmas Hiatus

Well, hello there. Can't believe I'm doing these types of posts again and wasn't expecting to do another one. I'm going to keep this relatively short because there's not much to talk about as it's for the holidays.

With all the non-stop posts I've created this year and the life being so stressful over the holidays, I figured that I would take a short Christmas Hiatus. I know that people are going to be a little upset due to the lack of posts recently however it's the only way that I can do this and can get a refresher.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

How Howcast Killed Their Own Reputation

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

In this day in age, we live in a world where tutorials have fallen out of the complete irrelevancy yet most channels that do them still do it to this very day. Long before the internet, tutorials were very hard to come by and no one knew how to do things properly. As the internet started to take a rise, tutorials and how-to videos became a thing and considered to be one of the easiest in terms of making content. Nowadays, tutorials and how-to's are considered to be irrelevant in this day in age. This is exactly where Howcast fits the bill into this because while they still do them, they have fallen into such a sharp decline over the years and in reality, killed their reuptation.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Fntastic Shutting Down Over a Scam Game

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Here is something that we don't really see every day, a gaming developer. What a complete surprise on that one. We live in a society where gaming communities and developers come together to create some of the best games and some of the worst games out there. Throughout the past few years, we've seen some mixbag results but when the pandemic hit in 2020, it took the Gaming Community to a crumble because of the low output of games and bad titles. No matter what, it is annoying. Well, for today's post we are talking about a Gaming Company named Fntastic which overhyped a trailer for an anticipated title but was met with extremely negative reviews thus shutting down the company.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Specific YouTuber's I Won't Talk About

Well, hello there. I hope your days going well and hope you're doing well.  I really wasn't expecting to do this again probably because I was working on something else and here we are today.

This post is going to be rather short, and I might make an FAQ on this as well later on once everything is setup. Anyways, you know that there are a vast majority of YouTuber's out there. A lot of them are good, A lot of them are bad and most are a mixbag but there's a few YouTubers that I won't talk about.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Kwebbelkop Is Still A Rotten Person

Side Note: Once Again, please do not go and attack or harass this person, even though he's still being controlled by AI.

And here we are back at it again with this guy known as Kwebbelkop. It has been roughly two months since the last time I talked about him regarding the controversy that involved replacing him with AI. For those that don't know and need context, way back near the end of September, I talked about Kwebbelkop in a post regarding his big change replacing him with AI. This however didn't go as planned at least for him as it was met with a hefty amount of negativity. Since then, he still continues to use AI for his promotions and for his content. However, today were back for an update regarding Kwebbelkop and his tactics and to be honest, it's not pretty.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

FreeFurAll Has Been Awfully Quiet (Is It Dead?)

This post had been reverted to draft and republished again because AWOO tried to take down this post and it's funny because they didn't do it to the other ones. Not on my watch.

Ah yes, Free Fur All. It's a convention that you've heard of if you been following this blog for some time now. Free Fur All is considered to be my most talked about topic of all time, spawning four separate posts within the last year or so. Just a quick recap Free Fur All was tied with the Alt-Right, their first convention was lackluster and terrible, they had a second one that was even more pathetic, the numbers were much lower than last years, and you have the sick disgusting people there who attended defending them having rage wars on Twitter of all places. Ever since the most recent convention again, they have been awfully silent within the past several months, so what exactly happened and is it dead yet?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Drastic Downfall of Ephemeral Rift

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
An alternate title would be Ephemeral Rift: From Greatness to A Tragedy.

I never thought in a million years that I would see this guy end up here on this blog but with the recent drama that had been circulating since October, there's no other way around it or any other way to put it. This was actually pointed out by a small streamer (which I will not name) so thank you for telling me have I not known about this. Typically, I was never into ASMR style videos as most of them follow pretty much the same format regardless of what the exact premise of it is. Ephemeral Rift was the first person that I saw that kind of hype the trend and for this we have Ephemeral Rift; an ASMR channel that promises to spread positivity and motivation but began his mental decline for posting bias insulting shit.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

TheSoul Publishing Has Gone Too Far

Side Note: Once Again, please do not go and attack or harass these people.

TheSoul Publishing, it's a company that you've heard of before and it's considered to be one of the largest and yet fastest growing companies within the states surpassing other big companies like Disney and Warner Bros as an example. I've talked about them wayback in May in another post along with the 5-Minute Crafts predecessor in December (2022) highlighting the shady business practices, trying to silence people, doing dangerous acts that could kill people, plagiarizing and straight up breaking the YouTube content ID system. Typically, I wasn't going to do another post on this because the company is still trash but I found some new stuff that is worthy of talking about again.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Whatever Happened to Combat Wombat

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

The last post of November and welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. It has been several weeks since I last talked about a YouTuber regarding the 'Whatever Happened To' series with the last one being Minute Minecraft Parodies and the somewhat follow-up of FireRockerzStudios. Although some of these YouTuber's that I talk about in this series are good, the rest of them are terrible. This guy who goes by the YouTube name Combat Wombat is pretty much a good YouTuber who exposes the real shit but has since left YouTube due to a small number of controversies.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Future Of This Blog

Well, hello there. This really wasn't what I was expecting to do again but here we are. While this post is going to be really short and straight to the point, it mostly covers the basics of stats as well as to what's changing.

The first one has to do with The Future of This Blog. Ever since this blog took off a year ago, it wasn't in the best of shape. In the early months of the blog, the stats were on the lowest end. Between the end of 2022 and the start of 2023, the stats rose due to more search interests and being picked up by search engines. Once March rolled around, the stats went down again.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Update on SSSniperWolf

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I want to apologize for the lack of posts lately since it was Thanksgiving Day break, and I didn't have the power to make posts on that day because it was a holiday. So anyways, I'm back to bring more posts. We all know that this person has been doing a lot of unforeseeable crimes lately. From stealing people's videos (and clips) to doxing another YouTuber by the name of Jacksfilms, it's no wonder people like her get away with this. For those that don't know and need context, I made a post about SSSniperWolf (a.k.a Lia) titled "The SSSniperWolf Situation" and how she got away with stealing content for years as well as doxing Jacksfilms. Well, this is an update regarding Lia as it's been roughly almost a month since her downfall.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Completionist Screwed Up Big Time

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I didn't want to put this guy on the list because most people would be mad but since the drama unfolded surrounding him, I guarantee that wouldn't be a problem if the discussion were to happen. We've seen countless number of scams in the past ranging from YouTuber's like FireRockerzStudios, SSSniperWolf and uwucutesingle to products and events like MurrrTV (which was a Kickstarter Scam going radio silent) and The Pink Sauce. No matter how you look at it, there's always bound to be scams all over the place regarding businesses, donations and streaming services. Well, The Completionist did just that over a charity that never made a single donation or a single penny.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Fidias: The Creator That Broke The Law

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

If you thought that many of the channels that do challenge videos were incredibly bad, well we have another one today and as expected it's not going to be pretty. Challenge related videos are just so bad in particular that it leads to them getting into trouble, getting injured and suffering the consequences or serving jailtime which is extremely rare especially in this day in age. A primary example of this is TGFBro cementing his head in a microwave while the other contenders being Elisocray, Lyssy Noel and Morgz. No matter how you look at it all of it is terrible. Well, today we are talking about Fidias; a Cypriot YouTuber who basically broke the law in Japan and the whole country is out to attack him.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Remember YouTube Heroes? That Was A Thing

I didn't have any other YouTuber related posts at the moment so I figured I would talk about a throwback to one of YouTube's biggest flops. It doesn't come to a surprise that when YouTube comes up with something so fucking undeniably terrible, it always comes to a complete failure. Then again, YouTube was (and still is) in terrible shape due to the rise of Monetization issues, Susan Wojcicki and just the endless derailing of the platform. When 2016 rolled around, things got even more worse with censoring bad words and nonstop false claims. for today's post we are talking about YouTube Heroes; a short-lived program that lets any user in full control to take over the platform but was cancelled after the backlash.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

EnchantedMob: Disturbing Animator With A History of Bullying [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person or these people.
WARNING: Some of the content maybe disturbing to some viewers.

We live in a day in age of animation content on YouTube. Most of it is good while the rest of it is bad and I'm using that term pretty heavy. What sucks about animation today is that most of it is not as good as what it used to be. Before the rise of cringe content, you were able to do whatever you wanted with animation without the aid of being called out by dipshits who call it cringe. Well, this is yet a cringeworthy animator that were talking about today and that is EnchantedMob; a YouTube animator who does Minecraft animations of popular horror games, but in a way that's creepy, disturbing and downright disgusting. There had also been bullying behind the scenes.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Harvest Moon Howl Fest: Scandalous Convention That Failed

It's like Free Fur All had an ugly cousin.

When it comes to conventions, it's very rare that I ever talk about another convention on something other than the Free Fur All franchise. There was one point in time that I talked about SodaCityFurCon but the information was so scarce that the post was deleted shortly after. Plus, it was just long messages back and forth from the organizers. As new conventions have been popping up or upcoming within several years, I thought I would do a scavenger hunt looking for the ones that failed or deemed to be a failure. Well, today we are going to talk about Harvest Moon Howl Fest; a convention that was supposed to start in October but was cancelled due to numerous amounts of issues behind the scenes.

Friday, November 10, 2023

ApeFest: A Bored Ape Party Disaster

This is probably what they really meant was to praise on NFTs.

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass any of these people mentioned.

Every single solitary day, we stray further away from god's light. In fact, it is actually much worse than that as were much further than before. Anytime when an event is brought up to the surface, it's always bound for a disaster waiting to happen. I mean we've seen it throughout the past year or so with the rise of NFTs (or Non-Fungible Tokens in the longer terms) being such a shitshow who preys on this kind of behavior. Or how about a convention known as Free Fur All who steals money and creating a lackluster experience. We kinda have a little bit of both in that retrospect and for this we have ApeFest which is a festival praising on the NFT bullshit but backfires after severe skin burns and eye burns.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Disappearance of FireRockerzStudios (Lying About Content Updates)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

It's always so apparent that when a YouTuber (preferably a gamer to be exact) playing games and talking about content updates, they always tend to disappear off the faces of the internet never to be seen again. Now I guess you could say that this is another episode of 'Whatever Happened To' however this is on the line in between the disappearance of a person and also being bad at the same time. Now I used to watch this guy back in the day when he would talk about Minecraft Snapshots, but there was also other information that he was lying about and for this we have FireRockerzStudios; a YouTuber who talks about Minecraft updates but has since left YouTube for whatever reason.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Whatever Happened to Minute Minecraft Parodies

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
I will be saying the word Parody or Parodies a lot.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. About two weeks ago, I talked about a known popular Minecraft Animator known as Slamacow and him disappearing in 2017 but coming back briefly to show off a game he's been working on. Now, we have another Minecraft related channel to talk about once again as it's my most talked about subject and for this, we have Minute Minecraft Parodies; a channel that focuses on movie and game parodies with the style of the Minecraft theme but unfortunately, he disappeared never to be seen again. I'm exaggerating on that, but you get the general idea.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Dental Digest: From Informative to Terrible

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

For the last year or so, we've seen an increased number of videos with the rise of YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts is literally the worst feature to add on YouTube, trying to go all the way with the style of TikTok videos. The only other creators that I can think about that utilizes YouTube Shorts the most are Bentellect, Braso, uwucutesingle and JellyBean. Even then, creating short-related videos to make it into the spotlight is just flat-out garbage in particular. Well, this person we're going to be talking about today deserves to be on the list and that is Dental Digest; a YouTuber who talks about things related to dental and teeth but was caught when the guy struck down another YouTuber's videos.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Update on MrDweller

I legit hate this so much.

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

To me I wasn't even going to come back to this, nor I was ever interested in making the first update on this guy but here we are almost a year later, and a lot of things have change. I'm saying the word 'a lot' loosely. For those that don't know and need context, I did a post almost a year ago titled 'MrDweller: The Unfunny Dead Meme Channel' and how one of the most popular memes called Mr. Incredible Goes Uncanny was milked to death by him. I also kind of predicted that within a year that he'll never change and to this point, I still hate meme based channels to this day. Well, this is the first update on MrDweller and I'm going to keep this post short as there's not much to talk about.

Monday, October 30, 2023

The SSSniperWolf Situation [Halloween Special]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

As part of this Halloween Special, I have tried so many attempts to make a post regarding this person and the backstory, but it all fell through due to some situations that were solved pretty quickly so this was discarded. Reaction channels have been a greyscale for me when it comes to originality. Almost everyone does reaction videos, even the terrible ones like Shelos1Life, Jinx, and Alexia Marano. Now that new information has been coming out against SniperWolf, I think it's time to talk about it because not only it's crazy but it also has led her to an insane downfall when it comes to her content. It's no surprise that what it all comes down to is just being manipulative and not being remorseful for her actions.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

New Posts Will Be Put on A Short Hiatus

Well, hello there. I never thought I would be expecting this sort of problem yet again. No this has nothing to do with the Nitter Instances this time as that problem had been patched out so now it's working again. This is going to be on YouTube as there's somethings wrong.

So typically, if you used Blogger before you'll know that you can upload videos from computer or you can search for videos on YouTube. Well unfortunately, that option is not working currently at the moment. Honest to God, I hope this is just temporarily.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Tanner Cook: The Human Prankster Who Got Shot [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content may be disturbing to some viewers.

There's always no doubt in mind that Pranksters always keen up for the YouTube fame and that fame always leads to negativity. This is the primary reason why I hate prank related channels today. Pranks back in the day were golden but now it's just been nothing but meaningful levels of awful. Pranksters like Seth Meiring and TGFbro pretty much set the bar for being the worst ones with others that do this type of shit come in close second, but I have found another one and this one is probably the craziest one of all time. For this we have Tanner Cook; a YouTube prankster who's only been on the platform for a year only for it come crashing down over one prank which ended up him being shot.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Update on Bentellect

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

As how disgusting a person can really be, it makes you wonder why people like Bentellect stay afloat especially with the content they post. Anyways we are back once again with the first ever update regarding Bentellect. Now for those that don't know and need context, roughly 10-12 days ago, I made a post titled 'Bentellect: The Creepy TikToker' and how he went from being just a creep and posting to some of the most boring content out there to an even more insane creep messaging a pornstar. Well, for today we are talking about him again in an update post because ever since the drama speculated, many people wonder if he ever change and newsflash, he hasn't.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Whatever Happened to Slamacow

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. At the start of October, I talked about the Vlogger Dan Brown who formed the series Dan Brown Universe and how he fell apart hiding within the reddit premises. If you like this sort of series, then I will continue to do more of it. For today we are talking about an animator that was in the golden age for the Minecraft Community and that is Slamacow; a Minecraft Animator who made the golden age Minecraft Animations from back in the day, but unfortunately, did a drastic change and left in 2017 leaving people wondering where he's at right now.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Nitter Instance Problem Again

Well, hello there. Currently I don't have any YouTuber related posts again but this time as I've talked about the ones that are deemed to be the worst. But I probably will continue to make more YouTuber related posts. 

As you've probably may have noticed as the title of this post, yes, it's about Nitter once again similar to how I talked about it during the summer. Nitter itself has gone down again and the instances that I was using for some of the more recent posts aren't working again.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Jancy Family: The Scam of Clickbait

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

We haven't talked about anything related to Clickbait and things related to family channels in quite a while so let's talk about this one. Now I know that some people are going to be mad for putting this family on here but what they're doing is clearly clickbait and just downright being a scam. Family channels put out the worst content of all time and that's why I hate them and this one is no exception. It's another way of exploiting their children which is what I talked about in a post titled 'Vlogs Are Old and Dated/Why Family Channels Are Terrible.' Anyways, for this we have Jancy Family; a family-based channel that clearly goes for the clickbait route in basically having their children do stupid things for views.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Bentellect: The Creepy TikToker [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content may be disturbing to some viewers.

Who would've guessed that a person who's downright stupid and disgusting at the same time would come from TikTok? Everyone knows that TikTok is the worst platform of all time and I swear, these braindead degenerates are ruining people. Anyways, were back once again to talk about another TikTok user. This is probably the third time I'm talking about one with the second being Ashley Guillard being the absolute worst of them all. For today's post we are going to be talking about Bentellect; a TikTok musician who makes random videos but was caught in the act for some of the most disgusting messages of all time. Needless to say, the guy himself is such a creep.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Votesaxon07: With Murder Leads to Arrest [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content may be disturbing to some viewers.

And here we go again with this shit. I mean seriously, why can't YouTube get off their ass and terminate these types of people? Well, the answer is simple, they don't care about what's put onto their platform. I mean it's fucking disgusting but anyways we are back to talk about a killer that led to an arrest. I've discussed YouTuber's that have been arrested before ranging from Predators like JinBop and Horror Versions to the stupidest stunt like Trevor Jacobs. With this one, it involves a topic related to murder and for this we have Votesaxon07; a British YouTuber who makes videos related to figures and talking about things related to Star Wars and Doctor Who; but was arrested for a Murder.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Whatever Happened to DanBrownUniverse

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Near the ending of September, I talked about WhiteBoy7thst and how he was considered to be the few old-school Call of Duty content creators out there and trembled downward for being terrible. For today we are talking about an old-school vlogger and a Rubiks Cube enthusiast for the people like me who grew up watching YouTube in the early days would recognize this person. For this we have Dan Brown who use to do vlog related videos and could've grown in the millions but cut it too short and hid within the Reddit premises.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Long Time no See (1 Year Later)

Well, hello there. While I don't have any YouTube related posts to talk about, I just wanted to say that it has been one year since I was able to get back into this current account. For the people that don't know and need context as to what I'm talking about, please refer to this post titled 'Long Time no See (Please Read)' to get a better understanding.

Ever since I got back into this account in October of 2022, it's considered to be another one-year anniversary for that. I know I already did a '1 year anniversary' post back at the beginning of July which was kind of similar to another post back a couple of days before New Years Eve. With that all being said and done, a lot has changed since I started this blog a year ago.

Monday, October 2, 2023

DKOldies Is Still Lying to People

Thumbnail from Jacob R.

Side Note Once Again: Please do not go and attack or harass any of these people.

Well, it's the first of October and were back with another post today. DKOldies, it's a term that most people already heard of. From scamming people out of their money for overpriced games and consoles to selling them very dusty, dirty and even outright broken. That's DKOldies for you. If you've been following along, you know that I talked about them in three separate posts; the first one is just talking about the history on how they started and why the overpriced dirty concoles and games are a big issue with the company. And both the second and third one is just updates and more of a continuation of the first post. Now we are back talking about them again and oh boy were in for a doozy. The company is simply not admitting defeat.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Adfly Is No More (Linkvertise)

Adfly was considered to be one of the few URL Shorteners back in the day when it first came out. With the rise of more URL Shorteners, Adfly is considered to be lost within the ages. I did a post back in January called 'Adfly: An Awful Site Filled with Ads' and how its website became the birthplace for the Minecraft Community as well as the whole site being extremely dated. I also discussed about an add-on for browsers to skip the pop-up ads that appeared when waiting. I never would've thought that I would talk about Adfly again but this is actually kind of interesting. Things have changed since I last talked about them but think of this as like another update if you would. This is the last post for September.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

yearmankind: When One Video Leads to Hate

Couldn't find a good photo of this guy.

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

What happens when you try to present yourself to a larger audience? Well, hopefully not to use your image as part of being a meme. That is the definition of this guy as he basically tarnished himself from being a good person. We've seen stuff like this before when a person shows their mockery and then it all backfires on them. A couple examples of this is Brooke Houts and Art Van Grow; two self-entitled egotistical idiots who blew their whole career with just a simple flip of a switch. Anyways, today we are going to be talking about yearmankind; an egotistical person with the sole purpose of brainwashing people as if nothing ever happened. This will be a quick post.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Kwebbelkop Has Sunk Down to Rock Bottom

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person, even though he's being controlled by AI.

We all know why this guy is up here on the list, primarily he's been doing some of the stupidest tactics yet. From rising fame and doing gameplay collaborations with two other members to resorting to AI for everything, Kwebbelkop has seriously hit rock bottom and probably far lower than that. Speaking of gameplay and games, I haven't talked about anything gaming related since I did a post regarding Minecraft's Usage Guidelines. Even with Minecraft's continuous rise, it's still stupid to resort to anything coming with limitations when it comes to your massive popular game. I'm getting off topic but today we are talking about Kwebbelkop; YouTube's worst gaming creator.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ashley Guillard: The Most Insane Delusional TikToker

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

We live in a world where TikTok is literally corrupting a society. From the stupidest stunts to challenges that can straight up kill you, it's no wonder why the application hasn't been banned yet though that story is a saga in it of itself. I rarely ever talk about TikTokers but when I do, it's insane. I've discussed The Pink Sauce Lady a few times in the past as being one of the worst trends of all time until she went completely bankrupt a year later. Well today, were talking about another TikToker and that is Ashley Guillard; an inexperienced person who makes false assumptions regarding on murder mysteries trying to connect who was involved or part of the murder.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Mojang And Microsoft Are Killing Minecraft (Minecraft Usage Guidelines & The Nintendo Effect)

I will be saying the word Minecraft a lot.

Minecraft is considered to be one of the most popular games of all time. With the game being released in 2009, it quickly grew in massive popularity in 2010 when it was brand new to YouTube. As of 2023, it still exceeds among the search trends when compared to other games and with new stuff related to mods, servers and updates coming out every single day. Unfortunately, as you can tell from the title of this post, Mojang and Microsoft are killing Minecraft as a whole. With new guidelines they've created surrounding their game, its only purpose is to protect their image and to basically create dire, yet strict rules to fuck over their community that they once grew up on. Veterans or Non-Veterans within the community.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Whatever Happened to WhiteBoy7thst

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Previously, I talked about the oldschool YouTuber named FRED and how he sold his channel to fulfill his other solo career. Yes, we are talking about this guy known as WhiteBoy7thst; one of the earliest members of the Call of Duty community. Not sure which is the earliest one. This one is up for you to decide on whether or not he's great or he's terrible. I put him on this list because of his presence and his strange personality when it comes to his content. It also leads to his downfall for his channel since nothing has changed from 2010 to today.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Mini Ladd Keeps Digging His Own Grave

Side Note Again: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

As if the tables weren't turned enough, fame, ignorance and just being an outright predator would become a huge role for Craig's life (a.k.a. Mini Ladd). Anyways, were back with another quick update on the Mini Ladd situation. Last time I talked about him was two different times. The first one back in December and the second one back in March. It has been quite a while since more drama speculated but here we are again. I figured that I would do another update post a month early from it being three whole years since the drama began. Every time when Craig uploads, it's always terrible. Even when he returned to do meme streams, no ever seemed to care about them.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Whatever Happened to FRED

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person. This guy still has a presence.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Previously around the beginning of September, I talked about the golden age YouTuber known as ChimneySwift11 and how he went from being such a great Minecraft YouTuber to resorting to Twitch streaming and not engaging with his audience. Now we have another golden age YouTuber that has been around since the beginning of YouTube and to no surprise it's FRED; a character played by Lucas who does skits but has fallen into obscurity when he sold his channel to an unknown company.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Know Your Meme is A Terrible Site

We haven't talked about a website in quite some time again so let's talk about another one. Apparently, we live in a world where memes come and go bringing out with the stale and in with the fresh ones. Memes have been around since the early days of YouTube but back then not a whole lot of people knew or understood the concept of them. I've discussed quite a few meme-related channels in the past like Behind the Meme and kaka v420 to terrible websites like Imgur as an example. Now we are going to talk about another website that has fallen too far down the rabbit hole for being an absolute dumpster fire these days and that is Know Your Meme. Do I even need to explain it?

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Termination of Ribs (Quick Update)

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

So, if you've been following along the path of specific YouTuber's that I normally talk about on this blog, you'll know that I've discussed this user by the name of Ribs or RibsRoblox. The first time I talked about Ribs was in a post back in May of this year discussing the history about her on YouTube, going inactive for a year and going into a deep mental state telling everyone to die and kill themselves and then I did an update near the ending of July about her again which was more of a continuation from her eating chips not making any sense to using depression as an excuse to send threats to someone. Now were back and hopefully for the final update on her because it's honestly crazy.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Update on uwucutesingle [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content may be disturbing to some viewers.

As if a situation that has happened before couldn't get any worse from here on out, well you'd be wrong about that because my god. The level of braindead these people suffer is like a neverending trainwreck of failures. Anyways, were back with an update regarding uwucutesingle because within the last 7 months, there have been a number of controversies on her. For those that don't know, I did a post back at the end of February called 'uwucutesingle: Promoting Scams and Gambling' and how she had been promoting a scam/gambling website called BloxFlip which is specifically for Roblox. Now as of today, she has fallen down the rabbit hole for being even more terrible.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Whatever Happened to ChimneySwift11 (The Sad Decline)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Welcome back once again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Near the ending of August, I talked about Chrisandthemike who was promising but faded into a terrible obscurity backstabbing the friends he once had. Well, we have another one today. I was originally going to put him as a dishonorable mention because on how great his content was, but unfortunately, he did a change a few years back that really wasn't the greatest idea. For today's post we have ChimneySwift11 and the sad decline on how he went from being great to very depressing. Though I still like his old content

Friday, September 1, 2023

The Braindead Toxicity of Hero Hei

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've thought that I would talk about a channel that dedicates himself to the Anime Community but then again, I've almost discussed at least one person within each community so it's not very surprising. Here we are again back with another post for the start of September. Can you actually believe that it's September already? This year has gone by so fucking fast. Anyways, for today we are going to be talking about Hero Hei; a YouTuber who makes videos related to Anime stuff mainly from Attack on Titan and RWBY, but eventually turn out to be the bad guy in this scenario spreading bogus information, having to beef/bullying with others and refuses to ever learn anything.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Seth Meiring: From Terrible Prankster to Termination

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

We live in a world where at least one person resorts to doing pranks. Not the harmless ones but the ones that actually do more harm than anything. It's the primary reason why modern-day prank videos are worse than the ones from back when YouTube first began. Nowadays you may be asking what's the point in pranks if you're going to get caught? Beats me I don't really know at this point. When pranks videos go too far, then that creator gets backfired and for this we have Seth Meiring; a YouTuber who risks his career making prank videos but the sole purpose is to piss off and annoy people. This also led to a Termination of his channel but was reinstated later on.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Pink Sauce Lady is Broke: Begging for Money on GoFundMe

The Pink Sauce story is a story that people will never forget about, primarily due to the sketchy business tactics and poor advertising. For those that don't know, I talked about Chef Pii back in August of last year in a post titled 'The Pink Sauce Drama.' This was followed up with an Update in October followed by Another Update in June of this year. Veronica Shaw (going by her real name) has been in complete damage control since the start of Pink Sauce. It's no wonder why the vast majority of people were skeptical about the whole thing. Unfortunately you have most people who worship her and are completely braindead as to what is going on. Now we have another update on her and it's fucking wild.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Behind The Meme: From Repetitive to Downfall

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've expected this channel to come up but here we are. Yes, as the title would insist, today we are going to be talking about Behind The Meme which is a channel that does analysis of the most popular memes. I've made attempts to create a post on this channel in the past, but it never got anywhere as I was focused on other posts. This guy apparently made a comeback this year to try and better himself as a human being and produce content again (which will talk about in a minute). I've discussed about YouTuber's that were similar to Behind The Meme and his decline but none of it was as serious as this guy as the internet hated him and thus disappearing for 5 years.