Thursday, December 7, 2023

FreeFurAll Has Been Awfully Quiet (Is It Dead?)

This post had been reverted to draft and republished again because AWOO tried to take down this post and it's funny because they didn't do it to the other ones. Not on my watch.

Ah yes, Free Fur All. It's a convention that you've heard of if you been following this blog for some time now. Free Fur All is considered to be my most talked about topic of all time, spawning four separate posts within the last year or so. Just a quick recap Free Fur All was tied with the Alt-Right, their first convention was lackluster and terrible, they had a second one that was even more pathetic, the numbers were much lower than last years, and you have the sick disgusting people there who attended defending them having rage wars on Twitter of all places. Ever since the most recent convention again, they have been awfully silent within the past several months, so what exactly happened and is it dead yet?

The Silent:

I'm not going to do a recap on what the con is all about so just click on the links above to get a better understanding of what it is. Also, this post will be relatively short than the others. So, Free Fur All is still considered to be one of the worst conventions of all time and most of its members have been mostly silent behind the scenes. After a tweet that was posted on August 4, things went completely quiet. On July 31, they announced that the Convention will take place at the Glenpool Conference Center for next year in 2024. Some of this stuff is what I talked about previously but what actually happened is that with this year, they had much lower numbers until people did the math and estimated 55 attendees and only 20 fursuiters. It's probably not going to happen again because if you look at the Glenpools event website and go all the way to July 2024, you'll see that Free Fur All is not present on there and instead was replace by a Quinceanera. Hell, not even in the August 2024 entry that Free Fur All is shown nor in the fall of 2024.

With Jason and Kabs still part of the AWOO Association and Free Fur All (when he bought both the site and the organization on a whim no longer falling under the 501(c)(3)), PeaceWolf (also known as Nicole Reno) has been also staying silent about the whole thing and playing games with both Jason and Kabs because their friends. Not to mention the fact that in a leaked board meeting, she did disgusting things with their kid and tries to deny it. And by their kid I mean Fox and Nicole's kid. She's the primary example of being fucked up in the head. Because she was a member or a staff member of Free Fur All, she had removed all things related to Free Fur All and AWOO Association in her bio on Twitter.

How he talks today.
How he talked a couple of years ago.

Meanwhile on Fox Reno's side, he still brings up the convention every now and then, but he just won't move on and stop talking about it. Here he's responding to a comment talking about Christians and brings up Free Fur All and how it fell apart. What's worse is that he keeps on bringing up how great the convention was, yet it was a complete disaster. Keep in mind that this is the same exact guy who had a defense with Nicole (a.k.a. PeaceWolf) long before the breakup so he would resort to attacking people who didn't like Nicole on an alt account.

One last thing before I conclude this post is the constant output of leaked board meetings. Some of the people I mentioned before were FoxGlove, Orion (stardragon777) and Lakodafrost. We now have a new user coming on the list named Doomguy who's considered a pedophile. There was one leaked board meeting that I forgot about that happened back in June of 2023. PeaceWolf literally did sexual activities with both Jason and Kabs while the kid walked into the room and admitted that she fucked up and that it was 'distasteful.' The board meeting can be found on and as I've said, it features FoxGlove, Orion and Lakodafrost. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, don't trust people like FoxGlove, Orion (stardragon777) and the rest of them because they were part of it.

While Free Fur All still has some presence with the information provided, we can safely say that the con and the association is dead. To this day, no new information about the association or the con has come out, but until then I will keep this update whenever.

Images & Sources:

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