Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Disappearance of FireRockerzStudios (Lying About Content Updates)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

It's always so apparent that when a YouTuber (preferably a gamer to be exact) playing games and talking about content updates, they always tend to disappear off the faces of the internet never to be seen again. Now I guess you could say that this is another episode of 'Whatever Happened To' however this is on the line in between the disappearance of a person and also being bad at the same time. Now I used to watch this guy back in the day when he would talk about Minecraft Snapshots, but there was also other information that he was lying about and for this we have FireRockerzStudios; a YouTuber who talks about Minecraft updates but has since left YouTube for whatever reason.

The Fall & Disappearance:

Misleading Content Updates:

Normally I would talk about the history on FireRockerzStudios (also known as Andrew González on Famous Birthdays) but it's a large part of the story that were going to skip. The reality is that he used to do reviews on specific gaming equipment like controllers and hardware like the iPhone.

So, Andrew used to be a Call of Duty player back in the day when he first started his channel. In 2012, he started doing Minecraft and anything Snapshot related. It wasn't until the end of 2012 when things went downhill quite quickly. During his snapshot and update overviews, he would often make suggestions on what things that should be added. A primary example of this is when he would install mods and tell the viewers that they would be featured in the next update like a red dragon. Often times, Andrew would mislead the audience into thinking that there would be a red dragon in the game. This was probably the earliest of him doing clickbait as he would quote the red dragon starting from Minecraft 1.4 all the way up to Minecraft 1.12. Of course, you have to be too stupid to realize that it isn't going to happen. Regardless, it didn't have to be this way if he was just honest about it.

A response from one of Andrews friends on Reddit.

Apart from his current videos, a lot of them would be met with more dislikes than likes. In one of his videos from 2016, he ended up getting 598 likes and close to 300 dislikes. It goes to show that people are seeing through his bullshit while he lies at the same time. After that video was released, he left YouTube but whatever happened to him? What's interesting is that there was a reddit thread from 2017 under the r/MinecraftCringe talking about FireRockerzStudios and how he clickbaits. The user who posted it never gotten an answer from anyone. That is until 4 months ago on July 8, 2023, when a user by the name of SkoomAddictz responded to the post stating:

"Late af to this but hey friends of Andrew and Halo reach jackass extra. Basically we got really busy in college and his numbers were just dropping with Minecraft kinda getting stale so he gave up. A bunch of stuff that was supposed to happen to Minecraft when we went to Notch's house... didn't happen since the selling to Microsoft sadly." - SkoomAddictz.

So from this statement, we can tell that Skoom is one of Andrews friends that responded and the real reason why he left was because of the popularity of Minecraft was dropping and getting stale. The only other theory on why he kept on doing the clickbait regarding the mods was because Mojang wasn't bought out yet by Microsoft. When it happened, it was too late. So, while Andrew may still have a presence, it's been buried. Really that's all I can say about it.

Images & Sources:

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