Friday, July 21, 2023

MurrrTV: From Kickstarter to Scam Into Obscurity

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
This is an experimental post regarding a Kickstarter Project and will only be one.

If you've seen my previous and yet current update on the state of this blog, you'll know that it's been saved, and I will continue to post content. Anyways, I never talk about anything related to Kickstarter Projects but the only time that I mentioned the word Kickstarter is when I made a post regarding Coolcatfunhouse (with Update) so this will be the only one, but I'll probably make another blog regarding Kickstarter Projects eventually. But anyways, today we are talking about MurrrTV which is a furry based talk show compiled by two people who created this project for the sole purpose of taking people's money and leaving without speaking a word of it.

Brief History / The Project:

MurrrTV started its project in January of 2019, and it's based around the Furry Community hoping to present the diversity within the culture and disseminate the work of recognized artists and hidden talents. The project is based out of Mexico with two people running the project who go by the names of Raliko the Bat and Bohor the Bear. The Kickstarter launched on June 7, 2019, with a pledge goal of 35,000 Mexican Pesos (or translate it to $2,072 USD). They had 30 days to pass the goal line and with that, they successfully raised that money earning them 38,260 Mexican Pesos ($2,256 USD) with the first show being a talk-show titled 'Bear's Talk' starring Bohor the Bear as the main host and Raliko the Bat as the assistant. During the month of June, they launched their YouTube channel dedicated to the project. Bear's Talk would also appeal to both the Spanish and English-speaking audience with everything being translated.

Pledges / Where the Moneys Going:

With all of the pledges, it's all described on this one big giant sheet above. The pledges they're offering are YCH Commissions (related to art) and you can have your character feature on the set of Bear's Talk with $20-$30 on the lowest end for the crowed to roughly $51 as a staff member. If you wanted to, you could pledge to be a sponsor and give them $102 for that. In terms of the money they received, 80% ($1657.60) of that is spent on the Art & Design which is a very big chunk of that money, 11% ($227.92) and 9% ($186.48) on the Kickstarter Fees. Production began in July of 2019, and it took them 5 months to get everything up and running with a series of updates from their channel including a video titled 'Meet Our Staff.' In January of 2020 is when the show started.

The Failure:

Underwhelming Performance / Outright Scam:

On January 6, 2020, the first episode of Bear's Talk was released. Bohor the Bear introduces the show with Raliko talking about updates regarding conventions and the fandom as well as introducing a special guest to the show. While the show was well received, the performance was very underwhelming. It's like if you took those PNG Commentary YouTuber's and slap them into one room. When it comes to the animation, there barely isn't any and it isn't any different to those PNG Commentary YouTuber's. You can literally do the same thing within half the time and effort as supposed to taking 5 months to do it. One of the reasons why the show failed and as to why it's an outright scam is because they spent mostly on Art & Design rather than putting care into the show for something like better animation software. Anyways, it's also the reason why it failed after the second episode.

After the release of episode two, they went silent for a few months. The MurrrTV's Twitter account was still active around early 2020. People started to question whether or not Bear's Talk would either continue or it had already been abandoned. On May 25, 2020, they came out with an update on their Kickstarter page which says the following:

"Dear friends and supporters,

The times we are currently facing have resulted in multiple complications and delays in the creative process of the next episode of The Bear Talk. This fills us with sadness, but due to the uncertainty of an early solution to these complications, we have made the hard decision to pause the project until we have made significant progress that is commensurate with the patience and support you have shown for this project.

As a consequence, we will pause indefinitely the reception of your generous support in Patreon, but as soon as the project resumes, you will be the first to know. Likewise in gratitude for trust and support, we have decided that all our Patreon sponsors will have their fursonas in the audience for the next episode, and as soon as these half-bodied sprites with four expressions are finished, we will send them to you by email.

We are sure that when we are ready to return on-air we will be able to give you and even better show than we were able to present you in its first two episodes, and we want to clarify that this is not a goodbye, but a see you soon." - The MurrrTV Staff

Now of course this was at the time when the pandemic was taking off but if they did it in the summer of 2019, then they would've had a bunch of episodes in the making. Needless to say, this was the last message they would put out and then radio silent again. It had been 3 years down the line and they haven't reminded anybody that they would return. So we can actually conclude that the project is abandoned and is definitely a scam.

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