Monday, November 7, 2022

MrDweller: The Unfunny Dead Meme Channel

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
Keep in mind I'm going to say meme a lot in this post.

Memes are everywhere, especially when they first blew up in the 2010s of pure nostalgia. Memes come and go and when old memes become stale and dead, then new ones come out of the shadows and become fresh (for a specific length of time). To me I'm sick and tired of all these meme-based channels popping up in my inbox since I don't watch them nor subscribe to them. That is until I found one of the worst meme-based channels out there and for this I give you MrDweller; a meme-based channel that came into light pretty recently (about 7 months ago) but has been caught under fire for making some of the most unfunny memes of all time. It's the exact problem with modern day memes.

Why He's Unfunny:

Unfunny Videos & Repeated Layouts:

Once again, I'm not going to talk about the history on this person as there's not much information. Anyways when the Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny meme came out, people have seemed to enjoy it a lot especially with the way it was being handled. By the time that the spring of this year rolled around, it started to die off and new memes were brought to the table. Unfortunately, MrDweller doesn't want this meme to die and had still produced this meme with some of the worst content out there. Even if you go to the comment section in one of his videos, you'll see that it's all negative comments. YouTuber's like Sournale, Foekoe Gaming, Johnny The Streamer and several others made videos on this guy. Also, every single video has been disliked bomb from users, which isn't surprising. After the release of the Sournale video, he stopped uploading for the time being.

Now there's one last thing I want to point out and that is that he has another channel titled MrHellish and apparently, he's still active over on that channel. Apparently, it's all about Minecraft content as of today which is enough to milk the game entirely.

Images & Sources:

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