Monday, December 11, 2023

Specific YouTuber's I Won't Talk About

Well, hello there. I hope your days going well and hope you're doing well.  I really wasn't expecting to do this again probably because I was working on something else and here we are today.

This post is going to be rather short, and I might make an FAQ on this as well later on once everything is setup. Anyways, you know that there are a vast majority of YouTuber's out there. A lot of them are good, A lot of them are bad and most are a mixbag but there's a few YouTubers that I won't talk about.

The first one has to do with the Paul Brothers (also known as Jake Paul and Logan Paul). I know for a fact that Jake Paul started the YouTube business because he came from Disney and shortly after, Logan did too. Everyone has seen their history regarding the drama and to be perfectly honest, I don't know how they still have a platform when everything they do is literally walking on thin sticks

Not to mention that their drama is so long that it would be boring to cover every single tidbit of it, so I try and find weird and obscure ones with a much shorter history.

The next one has to do with Political YouTubers. Ever since the blog started, I only talk about YouTuber's that would fit into the category for being the worst. I don't talk about anything related to political shit because everyone has an opinion. The only closest thing that I talked about that was on the lines of that was Free Fur All; mainly because on how unbearably stupid it really is.

So there you have it. If there's anything else on the list that I won't talk about, I'll update this post whenever I can.

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