Friday, March 3, 2023

Elisocray: The Fakest of The Fakes

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

And here we are again with another post to begin the month of March. Jesus, it feels like the days have come by so quickly. It's always so surprising to find some of the worst channels on YouTube and even then, they try to have the decency to produce good content which they terribly lack. Just see for yourself I mean we've all seen it to "creators" like Steveee The Content Stealer and N&A Productions. Many of them have been just as worse as this guy and for this we have elisocray; a YouTuber who makes videos related to Vlogs and Horror related however many of the videos are pretty damn terrible and constantly have feuds with content creators along with a side of bullying.

elisocray (also known as Elijah Belton) started his account on January 13, 2013. His channel remained inactive until April 2, 2016, with the first video titled "HOT CHEETOS AND TAKIS CHALLENG 2BAGS SOLO!." In the early days, his early videos consisted of just challenges ranging from Diet Coke & Mentos and Extremely Sour Warheads to Prank videos like Fake McDonald's Employee and Disturbing the Place in the Grocery Store. The content on his channel started to become more frequent as he switches the format around but all in all it was mostly the same. Elijah is currently sitting at roughly close to 1.70M subscribers and with a total of roughly 171M views. One of his most popular videos on his channel is titled "PLAYING WITH GEORGIE BOAT IN THE WATER (HE ATTACKED ME!!!) OMG" which sits at over 15M views.

The Fall:

Clickbait Videos & 3AM Challenges / YouTuber Feuds & Bullying:

Well, this is not really a surprise now, is it? We know where this is going yet again as I've discussed many of these channels before. With the 3AM Challenge craze, I wish that the trend itself would eventually be dead already but apparently it isn't as it's just as popular as it is with clickbait videos. Elijah does just that but becomes the most disrespectful person out there saying that the events or the situations were 'completely real' at least in his tiny brain of his.

Now we finally get to the strangest part of this post and as to why Elijah gets so much hate. I guess so many years ago, he had a video on his channel where he claimed to have sex with Pennywise from the movie IT. The video itself was pretty much a laughingstock as nobody thought that it was believable. As a matter of fact, the video ended up being deleted afterwards before many users decided to reupload the video (like the one shown above). What's worse about it is that he kept on going with these types of videos related to Pennywise and he kept on going with them. While I guess many of these videos did well, it doesn't hide the fact that they still suck in general.

So, Elijah is known to have various different feuds with a couple of YouTuber's. One of them involves DJ Cook and the other with Memeulous. Both of them made videos on Elijah and how a real fucking embarrassment he really is. Not long after, Elijah tried to fire back at them and made response videos (shown above) to prove himself innocent however it all backfired. The situation got so bad that he actually deleted the video where he was calling out Memeulous but was reuploaded by someone else. It's always funny that when Elijah makes a callout video on someone because of the fact that his content is utter shit, oh the irony.

Copyright Strike Abuse / Faking Sons Death:

This part of the post is going to be serious on the matter. For starters, Elijah can't take any criticism whatsoever, even when it comes to the smaller content creators. A Twitter user by the name of @Selenobot posted a tweet saying that Elijah gave them a false copyright strike on their channel. What he claims at least in his own word is that we've done wrong (whatever the fuck that means). While they tried to get the strike lifted just like anyone else that got affected by any strikes, YouTube did absolutely nothing to solve this problem just like what they always do. It's not just one person, in fact there were several other people reporting on what Elijah was doing at the time.

And finally, we have the most controversial one of all which in this case that he faked his son's death for views. Around the time when the pandemic was spreading around, Elijah thought it would be a good idea to make a video saying that his son is gone in the form of several videos. This was all explained by DJ Cook's video and the story is a saga in it of itself. Unfortunately those videos have since been deleted.

Images & Sources:

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