Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ashley Guillard: The Most Insane Delusional TikToker

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

We live in a world where TikTok is literally corrupting a society. From the stupidest stunts to challenges that can straight up kill you, it's no wonder why the application hasn't been banned yet though that story is a saga in it of itself. I rarely ever talk about TikTokers but when I do, it's insane. I've discussed The Pink Sauce Lady a few times in the past as being one of the worst trends of all time until she went completely bankrupt a year later. Well today, were talking about another TikToker and that is Ashley Guillard; an inexperienced person who makes false assumptions regarding on murder mysteries trying to connect who was involved or part of the murder.

Why She's Bad:

False Assumptions on Innocent People / Court Case:

I'm going to keep this post relatively short because not only it has a beginning and a middle, but also an end that happened roughly a month ago. The whole story is rather long and has timelines as to what happened but I figured that I would give you a simpler version. So way back in November of 2022, 4 students who were part of the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho had been stabbed to death off campus. On December 30, they caught the killer known as Bryan Christopher Kohberger and was charge on four counts of first-degree murder as well as felony burglary. He was arrested and prosecuters are pleading the death penalty.

So what does this have to do with Ashley Guillard? Well, she attempted to jump onto the story and become her own psychic. After a few attempts, the tried to accuse an innocent person for the stabbing. The person in question was Rebecca Scofield, an associated professor and chair of the history department for the University of Idaho. This led to Rebecca getting backlash and hate from Ashley which is a person she doesn't even know. Rebecca sued Ashley for defamation and falsified evidence and the court case can be found online just by doing a Google search.

The case went by month after month. During the time that Ashley was being sued she countersued for whatever reason and insisted that Rebecca was the killer. What doesn't make any sense is that there was no proof to be shown that Rebecca was the killer, so Ashley was basically covering this up to grow a fanbase. This is almost paying tribute to the Ken Waks debacle. She also posted a video on February 9, 2023, going over a synopsis and her testimony. Obviously, the video (which was over 30 minutes long) was poorly received only gaining 24 likes to 723 dislikes. You can definitely tell her body language and her true color just by watching the first few seconds of the video. Several YouTuber's like MadCatster and Penguinz0 made videos talking about this topic.

Now at the time I'm writing this post, these articles have been over a month ago, but I figured that I would put this in because it is the end for Ashley. When it all came down to the testimonies from both Rebecca vs. Ashley and when Ashley tried to testify, the judge dismissed her suit. The reason for the dismissal was due to the fact that there was no objective basis to believe in Ashley's claims. The judge also added:

"These claims are not only conclusory and unverifiable, but arguably so outrageous as to be clearly baseless and, thus, implausible.

Well, we can safely say that Ashley is pretty much done for. Blaming others for things they haven't done and despite the fact that TikTok wannabe 'Investigators' and 'Psychics' are the main problem with society. Again, blaming others and falsifying evidence. Needless to say, don't trust TikTok.

Images & Sources:

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