Saturday, August 26, 2023

Behind The Meme: From Repetitive to Downfall

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've expected this channel to come up but here we are. Yes, as the title would insist, today we are going to be talking about Behind The Meme which is a channel that does analysis of the most popular memes. I've made attempts to create a post on this channel in the past, but it never got anywhere as I was focused on other posts. This guy apparently made a comeback this year to try and better himself as a human being and produce content again (which will talk about in a minute). I've discussed about YouTuber's that were similar to Behind The Meme and his decline but none of it was as serious as this guy as the internet hated him and thus disappearing for 5 years.

The Downfall:

Repetitive Content / Emo Phase & Death Faker / Return?:

Let's start off with the problem of his content. The first thing that Behind The Meme (a.k.a. Kyle "Ky" Bryce) does for his content is that he does the history, origins as well as an analysis of the popular meme's from the time when they were created. This is basically his content and none of it is interesting. As you would expect, he kept ongoing with this format from 2016 well into early 2018 with the last BTM video being Gru's Plan.

Kyle is known for the heavy criticisms within the meme community. Everyone suggests that he's basically killing off meme's that he goes over. More importantly, people in the comments are telling him to stop ruining memes as they are not meant to be explained. The end of 2018 rolls around and he took an unexpected downfall as he was apparently going through an emo phase. As shown in these two videos, he had pretty much lost his mind, suffered from depression and went on a hiatus for 5  years. During this time period, it was also reported that he tried to fake his death which is not very surprising because we've seen it before with other YouTuber's and eventually, YouTuber's basically killed him off the platform.

Roughly 9 months ago on November 18, 2022, Kyle made a complete return with the first Behind The Meme video just titled Spider-Man Pointing at Spider-Man. While the vast majority of the people welcomed him back, others still had concerned of him not only his health but also the fact that his attempted restart meant that he's ruining memes again. While he's still in his emo phase just a little bit, he did somewhat improved but not by a long shot. Of course, We don't know but if it meant a change, then only time will tell.

Images & Sources:

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