Thursday, September 28, 2023

yearmankind: When One Video Leads to Hate

Couldn't find a good photo of this guy.

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

What happens when you try to present yourself to a larger audience? Well, hopefully not to use your image as part of being a meme. That is the definition of this guy as he basically tarnished himself from being a good person. We've seen stuff like this before when a person shows their mockery and then it all backfires on them. A couple examples of this is Brooke Houts and Art Van Grow; two self-entitled egotistical idiots who blew their whole career with just a simple flip of a switch. Anyways, today we are going to be talking about yearmankind; an egotistical person with the sole purpose of brainwashing people as if nothing ever happened. This will be a quick post.

The Fall:

The '9/11 Beard' / Severe Backlash:

So, the reason for this guy's downfall was because of a video that he posted way back in August of 2012. In the video (shown above) is a terrible cringeworthy comedy improv audition with him being called '9/11 beard' in the middle of the video. The guy storms out and was severely offended by it that the other two people doing the improv stayed there. The video was received poorly with 2.2k likes to 20k dislikes. It was quickly picked up as a meme, shown in various reddit threads and was picked up on a news outlet. Many people thought that he took it too seriously as it was a dark humor joke, and it wasn't funny while others thought that it was completely staged.

What about the onslaught of hate? Well, two years later on April 5, 2014, he posted a response video along with a Tumblr post about it. You know how this goes; even more backlash and negativity. Even after the video had surfaced, the response video felt like listening to a lecture and it was almost like a publicity stunt. The backlash has gotten so bad that this made him leave the internet. His last appearance was in 2016 and at the time I'm making this post, he hasn't returned. When ego takes the cake for being a sensitive person. There's also another reason for the hate, is that he hates comedy. the videos that he posts about the reverse heckling activism which just isn't funny. It's probably another reason why he left.

Images & Sources:

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