Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Taking a Christmas Hiatus

Well, hello there. Can't believe I'm doing these types of posts again and wasn't expecting to do another one. I'm going to keep this relatively short because there's not much to talk about as it's for the holidays.

With all the non-stop posts I've created this year and the life being so stressful over the holidays, I figured that I would take a short Christmas Hiatus. I know that people are going to be a little upset due to the lack of posts recently however it's the only way that I can do this and can get a refresher.

Doing the output of posts have also been stressful because if I didn't post anything within the next few days, the blog will end up dead and buried. This hiatus will only last for a week starting on December 19 and will return to post making on December 26. Before new year's, I will also be making another WYS: Worst YouTuber's of 2023 similar to what i did for Worst YouTuber's of 2022 so be on the lookout for that.

I can't believe it's already been a year. Where has the time come these days? Anyways, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope everyone has a great one. Until then, bye for now.

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