Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Whatever Happened to WhiteBoy7thst

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Previously, I talked about the oldschool YouTuber named FRED and how he sold his channel to fulfill his other solo career. Yes, we are talking about this guy known as WhiteBoy7thst; one of the earliest members of the Call of Duty community. Not sure which is the earliest one. This one is up for you to decide on whether or not he's great or he's terrible. I put him on this list because of his presence and his strange personality when it comes to his content. It also leads to his downfall for his channel since nothing has changed from 2010 to today.

WhiteBoy7thst (also known as Alexander Wachs on, if that's his real name) started his account on July 1, 2009. He didn't upload anything to the channel until a few weeks later on August 5, 2009, with the first video of him getting a triple headshot in Call of Duty: World at War. A couple of his videos were mostly trickshots. When Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 came out in the fall of 2009, this gave Alex more content to make, resulting in more trickshot videos like The Best Epic No Scope and a lot of his content were mostly quickies. On December 23, 2009, he made his first face reveal and talking about Bitcoin. In 2010 when Minecraft started to make the trend, Alex also jumped onto the bandwagon producing the first ever Minecraft video titled 'Minecraft VIRGIN! by whiteboy7thst' however this was short-lived for a while before jumping back onto it again in the later years. There were only a few games he would play and would milk the living shit out of them with Call of Duty just being the most frequent. One of his most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "[FUNNY] Worst Minecraft Moments Montage!" which sits at over 6.2M views. He had also been on a podcast called PKA or Painkiller Already.

The Downfall:

The Arrest / Decline in Viewership / No Change in Content:

This really isn't what you would call the start of the downfall for Alex, but it could possibly be. Sometime in August of 2014, Alex was streaming a game called Player Unknowns Battle Grounds. What happened in the livestream was a strong knock at his door. When he leaves to go answer it, it was cops at his door who swatted him. Shortly after, one of the cops investigates his house to see if any drugs were present (which they weren't). Gamers are pretty much the prime target for swatting so with Alex getting swatted wasn't surprising. Alex was arrested for possession of drugs. Later on in November of 2014, the charges were dropped. 5 Years later on December 30, 2017, Alex tells the story in a video titled "MY SWATTING STORY (Tell all)" and links a successful GoFundMe to another person who was also swatted on the same day.

His content in 2009.

His content today.

Now you may be thinking, whatever happened to Alex? The answer is that he posts livestreams on YouTube but also still doing the same exact content over and over and over again. I mean if you go back to his older videos and then look at them today, nothing has changed at all for the better but for the worse. I mean there's no difference in between the content. Just like Minecraft content creators nowadays, he posts Call of Duty videos instead of playing something else. Now I did say that he played other games but those are far from few and in between. For a guy who has 2.49M subscribers, viewership had been an all-time low. He's also been losing subscribers slowly. At the time I'm making this post, he went from having 2.54M subscribers down to 2.49M subscribers. Unless if Alex can change for the better, it's not getting any better from here on out.

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