Saturday, December 2, 2023

TheSoul Publishing Has Gone Too Far

Side Note: Once Again, please do not go and attack or harass these people.

TheSoul Publishing, it's a company that you've heard of before and it's considered to be one of the largest and yet fastest growing companies within the states surpassing other big companies like Disney and Warner Bros as an example. I've talked about them wayback in May in another post along with the 5-Minute Crafts predecessor in December (2022) highlighting the shady business practices, trying to silence people, doing dangerous acts that could kill people, plagiarizing and straight up breaking the YouTube content ID system. Typically, I wasn't going to do another post on this because the company is still trash but I found some new stuff that is worthy of talking about again.

Quick Recap:

TheSoul Publishing was founded in the location of Cyprus which is in Russia in 2016. They have expanded their headquarters throughout the world including the United States. What came with the company was a series of channels that feature either dangerous acts, gibberish, plagiarizing and straight up copying other channels. TheSoul Publishing had been in the center of controversy since the start of the company with the first iteration being 5-Minute Crafts. The drama grew slowly overtime with many of their channels coming into the mix.

What's New:

Still Plagiarizing & Still Lying / Rapid Decline:

Right Click to view image in New Tab.

So, there isn't anything wrong with getting inspiration from other channels especially when it comes to the content but for a large publisher mimicking or copying the styles is where it all falls short. The channel that I'm talking about today is Teen-Z which I guess is animations based on the Gen Z craze. I briefly talked about them in the last post when they were somewhat stealing the style of Hazbin Hotel but today, they've gone too far. In the screenshot above, I have three videos from both side; one set is the copy, and the other is the real ones. While the other two are I guess what you call an inspiration, the one that sticks out is plainly obvious copied from a user named Dangoheart. While they didn't notice, the comments underneath the plagiarized video of Teen-Z took note that it was stolen or a copy.

The worst part about this is that what the people at Teen-Z are doing is literally clickbaiting into thinking that something or someone is in the video when in reality it isn't. Or even when it happens, it's only a few seconds and then it cuts to the show. For a channel that has over 4.8M subscribers, you would think they would cheat the system to get more views but it's far below that. In other words, they're desperately trying to garner a viewer base but it's a hilarious failed attempt. Another way of content farming for the worst.

Just when you thought things couldn't get even more worse from here, you'd thought wrong. Apparently, the channel BRIGHT SIDE (owned by them and copies other channels) have collaborated with Xbox to release some sort of promo code? I'm not entirely sure what the whole premise of this is about. My guess is to garner more subs for them to continuously lie about things. Speaking about the topic of TheSoul Publishing, a video came out roughly 5 months ago by a channel called Logically Answered where he talks about some of the channels (including BRIGHT SIDE) seeing a massive decline. I went back to the Empty Subscriber Calculator and measured the active subscribers and where it leads to the downfall. Despite some of the channels an above active subscriber count whereas one being mixed, both 5-Minute Crafts and BRIGHT SIDE are far below the line. My guess is that they're buying subscribers while most of the comments are bot accounts.

Images & Sources:

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