Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Update on Bentellect

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

As how disgusting a person can really be, it makes you wonder why people like Bentellect stay afloat especially with the content they post. Anyways we are back once again with the first ever update regarding Bentellect. Now for those that don't know and need context, roughly 10-12 days ago, I made a post titled 'Bentellect: The Creepy TikToker' and how he went from being just a creep and posting to some of the most boring content out there to an even more insane creep messaging a pornstar. Well, for today we are talking about him again in an update post because ever since the drama speculated, many people wonder if he ever change and newsflash, he hasn't.

Quick Recap:

Bentellect (also known as Benjamin Tarrolly) despite starting his channel back in 2012 manage to make it into the spotlight in 2021 with the rise of YouTube Shorts. Benjamin would make videos regarding things on social media like comments and responses as an example. Things would change drastically as of August of 2023 when he asked the pornstar known as Jordan Max if she could be on his podcast. What it all led to be an exchange of creepy messages being sent to Jordan from Benjamin. Shortly after when Jordan posted the images to Twitter, a few days later she received a private message from Benjamin threatening to sue her. The information continued and made it on a few news outlets and was an entry on knowyourmeme.com. Not long after, Ben made a pathetic apology on Twitter but deleted it after because he knew it was terrible and then made a second apology trying to move on from the situation.

What's New:

Personality Never Changes:

It has been quite a while since the drama with Benjamin had unfolded. One thing that I forgot to mention when I was making the other post was a hashtag that was going around titled #BenIsACreep which only lasted for a short period before being buried with other hashtags. Other than that, nothing really has changed from him which leads to the question. Did he learn from his mistakes and change his content? The answer to that is No. His content never really changed one bit since the drama and since then, continues to read tweets in a very unfunny creepy way. Of course, this is just another way of cashgrabbing on the Shorts.

Even worse is when he attacks and bullies on people, weaponizing them for personal gain. One case involved John Casterline who I mentioned in the previous post talking about his experience with Benjamin and to our surprise, it's not pretty. John goes over some of the drama regarding him as well as using a tactic for Benjamin's own personal gain which is such a fucked up mentality. Needless to say that Benjamin clearly hasn't change when it comes to personality as he still acts like a complete and utter dickhead. With that being said, don't trust people like him.

Images & Sources:

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