Monday, November 14, 2022

Update And Recap on FreeFurAll [UPDATE: January 26, 2023]

This post has been updated into a separate post: Click Here.

Well, it's that time once again to do another Update and this time, on a convention that I talked about 3 months ago. The reason for all of these updates is because if anything is new, then it would be exceptional to make new posts rather than constantly updating existing posts. I know that sounds stupid than what it actually is. Anyways the first time I covered on the Free Fur All Convention was 4 days after it's run back in July. If you haven't seen that post, I would recommend checking it out first before reading through this one to get the memo. Free Fur All was considered to be a controversial disaster in most of the Furry Communities eyes but for them, not so much. Even if they see this, they're going to think it's bogus.

Quick Recap:

Free Fur All was created in 2021 by the AWOO Association (which stands for Anthro West Open Organization) while the organization was created in 2020 and it became a non-profit under the 501 (c)(3) and raising money to their only charity, The Safari Sanctuary (very controversial place). Not long after the announcement and their promotional video in September of 2021, it was quickly exposed by the furry community (through the discord DMs and messages from other medias) that it was tied with the Alt-Right and the furries wanted the Con to die. Unfortunately, they still persuade with the two people: 2 The Ranting Gryphon and PeaceWolfActual keeping it afloat. When the Con happened, it was a complete disaster with lackluster spaces, a ballpit which pays tribute to that of DashCon, a danceroom with barely anyone in it as well as the dealer's room and their misleading claims that the Con was going to become popular. Many furries went on Twitter with either #Uncancelable and #FreeFurAll22 along with their terrible experiences and in most cases, photos of the Con. Needless to say, it failed horribly. The only positive thing I said in the other post was the venue they chose. The Glenpool Conference Center is very beautiful with the fountains outside the building.

On top of this, they apparently had rose $8,000 for the same abusive charity and 207 attendees (that is if you count fursuiters) which is much less compared to the DashCon's 350 attendees.

What's New:

Pre-Registration Pricing for the Next Event:

So, what exactly has been new in the last 3 months? Well as I said in the other post that there doing it again for 2023 and this time it will be between July 28-30 and also their site has been changed and revamped since the last year. All of the character art has been drawn by Jasonafex, who was the guest of honor for the show and is known for the grooming allegations with his girlfriend, known to be a zoophile and spent crowdfunding money to buy a dog. Anyways, scrolling down on their website will come up with this Pre-Registration Pricing with the most expensive one being $450 for their Maverick Add-On. These are just essentially tier's that really aren't worth that particular price if you really think about it, considering the fact that they just want your money.

News coverage / Manipulation / The Abusive Charity Spending:

There are quite a few articles about the organization as well as the convention. One of those articles is from BuzzFeed (which BuzzFeed is irrelevant nowadays but still around) that was posted back on August 5 detailing the situations that I've already explained in the other post along with some extra information. Another article that I found was when a Twitter user by the name of @LiteralGrill posted an article on also detailing the Discord conversations between PeaceWolf, 2 Gryphon and the members of the hate group Furry Raiders.

The AWOO Association has been spending so much money on the Safari Sanctuary (which is located in Wagoner County, Oklahoma) because it's their go-to charity. The main issue with the association is the fact that they don't realize it's very abusive with how the sanctuary handles the animals. Years ago, there was an attack at the sanctuary and as of 2013, there was an incident where a leopard gave birth to cubs and were yanked from their parents. It's completely fucked up. Another problem with AWOO is that they do heavily spending on the sanctuary and no matter what dollar amounts they get, they always do some repeated attempts for more money which is very scummy.

The Furry Raiders is considered to be one of the worst hate groups of all time (I said one of them. I don't know which is the bottom of the bin). Even though their claims of helping to expand the experience with the fandom, it's all just literal Nazi's spewing hate, racist and homophobic remarks and it's another way to manipulate their audience into thinking that the con was a success. Now the photo above shows most of the fursuiters who attended. All of them are pedophiles and zoophiles. The members who attended are Crusader CatTech CoyoteFoxler NightfireAeve NovaSheep (no actual name)Safari SanctuaryDiesel Raccoon2 GryphonJasonafex & KabierStarimusTMDrakeOrion Starwing and many others. There is a list of the admins and staff, but more have been updated as well. Do you think there will be a Free Fur All 2023? Only time will tell.

UPDATE: December 16, 2022:

Well, this is considered to be the first update in an updated post. Apparently, this is considered to be the most viewed post on this blog, and I'll try to update it every 10 days when I get the chance. I'm also adding the date for the updates on the title as well, but anyways for this update we have the AWOO Association trying to garner people's attention for their Dealer's Den. Of course, this is not a surprise in the form of big tables for higher dollar amounts. This didn't go so well back in July, and this is also another way to get the money back for what was owed for the Safari Sanctuary's debt. Keep in mind that they raised $8,000 and gave $6,000 as well as some additional money to The Safari Sanctuary. What they're trying to do is (because AWOO and Safari Sanctuary are considered to be the hated groups) extort people for more money to keep the abusive charity running which is still very scummy. They don't think twice before they act.

On top of this, they are still pushing the Convention for 2023, which in my opinion is that it's going to fail again hardcore because nobody wants the Nazi's and political people taking over.

UPDATE: January 6, 2023:

Another year to start off with, another update to this post. I mean seriously, when the fuck are they going to stop? Anyways I figured I would cover this really quick. The first one has to do with the Pandemic. On the same day I posted the previous update, they released a new policy to the mandates even though they were caught in such a lie saying they hate the masks in one of their posts. Another thing was a tweet that was posted on the 4th of January where their venue is still the Glenpool Conference Center. In my original post, I talked about how they were banned from attending any future conventions. Apparently, they didn't get the message because the people who run Free Fur All and everything related to the AWOO Association are complete douchebags.

UPDATE: January 26, 2023:

It's time for yet another update and this time we're talking about one particular individual and that is PeaceWolf because what she's been doing is still pathetic. Even though this has nothing to do with Free Fur All, she attended to the con as well as being part of the association. When I still had the google sites site of this blog, I talked about her there so there's probably no difference in between those posts. I also felt like that the last update felt like it was rushed and didn't tell much detail.

So the first thing that PeaceWolf's been doing in terms of the tweets and her bullshit retweets of the AWOO Association, she's been streaming on Twitch. Nothing special there except there's just one problem and the problem is the people she has with her and that is KabsCornerArts and Jasonafex. That's right, she brought the infamous pedophiles on her stream because she doesn't give a flying fuck about it. Shown in the photo above pretty much explains it as well as an embedded tweet (or clip) from one of her streams. I mean how do people watch this type of garbage when they have no idea what's been going on behind the scenes? I mean it baffles me that there isn't more light shedding upon this type of drama. The clip from her streams is very cult-like and you can tell it by the tone of her voice because she doesn't care.

The reason why I'm making light of this is because probably the reason she's problematic (just like 2_Gryphon) is her alt account which is PeaceWolfRants. It's basically her about her political viewpoints and beliefs and it's just fucking garbage. I mean right after the announcement trailer for Free Fur All, many people did some deep diving and they found PeaceWolf's alt account. Of course, if you view the other post, she was a big part of the discord server they were in. So much for apples to apples.

Images & Sources:

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