Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Continuous Scams of DKOldies: The Redemption

Side Note Again: Please do not go and attack or harass any of these people.
This post has been updated into a separate post: Click Here.

So, for anyone who have seen this company will understand what I'm about to say again. This is also the first update with regards of the last post I did back on January 14 titled "The Immense Scams with DKOldies." In that post I talked about how they price gouge for the majority of the consoles, barely do any quality control with the systems and games in terms of cleaning and arriving as defective and/or broken out of the box. It's also crazy how they can get away with this without ever realizing what the problem is. Since it has been a little over 10 days, I thought I would continue this post with the first update because more stuff has been unfolding and some customers not understanding the problem.

Quick Recap:

DKOldies was founded in January of 2003 by Drew Steimel. It went through various different URLs before finally changing its name to DKOldies (as well as various different layouts to their site). Between 2020-2023, it was exposed by many members on YouTube as well as the retro gaming community for their overpriced 'refurbished' systems, damage/unsanitary products and shady business practices. They claim the reason for the overpriced systems is how much they spend for stock but in actuality, is based on how much they spend for inventory. Needless to say, everyone is not buying it (no pun intended). One thing I forgot to mention in the last post is that DKOldies is a family-owned business.

The Continuation:

More Misleading Claims / Can't Take Criticism:

When DKOldies gets called out (on Twitter to be exact), they can't take any criticism and will block users if they feel like they got their feelings hurt. It definitely shows their true color and basically hiding shit that the customers and the consumers don't want us to see. I don't know who manages their Twitter account, but they go out of their way to censor people out. It's not just the primary reason why their scummy like I talked about in the previous post now that we have been learning more about their shady business practices. As shown in the tweet above from Mikeylovesretro was a Playstation 3 he bought 'refurbished' and 'cleaned' but it wasn't anywhere close to that as the console itself had a bunch of scratches on the top of the console as well as being extremely dirty on the inside. You can check out the review here.

Since more information is coming together and everything is unfolding, I decided to look into their FAQs to see more of their misleading claims. Based on the questions about the orders and the products, it was all copy and paste. The one that intrigued me was the 'Low Price Guarantee' and how they "Value your business and strive to keep our prices low and SAVE you money!" when in one separate video they answer about their prices being so damn high based on the inventory. In actuality, you're offering something overpriced for something so little when instead you can find consoles on Ebay for a much lower price, and you get more. Anyways more videos are coming out on them as well including ReviewTechUSA's Playstation 2 unboxing video as well as SomeOrdinaryJoe's video about the company being a scam.

Images & Sources:

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