Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Jancy Family: The Scam of Clickbait

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

We haven't talked about anything related to Clickbait and things related to family channels in quite a while so let's talk about this one. Now I know that some people are going to be mad for putting this family on here but what they're doing is clearly clickbait and just downright being a scam. Family channels put out the worst content of all time and that's why I hate them and this one is no exception. It's another way of exploiting their children which is what I talked about in a post titled 'Vlogs Are Old and Dated/Why Family Channels Are Terrible.' Anyways, for this we have Jancy Family; a family-based channel that clearly goes for the clickbait route in basically having their children do stupid things for views.

The Big Fall:

Clickbait Titles & Thumbnails / The Fake Car Door Smash:

I'm not talking about their history on YouTube because the existence of them is very short going all the way back into 2018 and 2019. So, the Jancy Family is known for clickbaiting their audience. For a channel that has close to 1.3M subscribers, you would think that they would have some sense into the content they put out. In other words, the content is complete shit. Now I went to a website where it calculates the YouTube API to determine the percentage of the sub-count is. Despite the clickbait that they do with the number of subscribers they have and with the average views sitting in-between, a good chunk of the subscribers is dead rating at 66%. That means either their paying for subs to garner more attention or most of the comments on their videos are taken over by bots. I don't know and I don't care.

What pressured me into making a post on this family is the constant lying to their 'audience.' A video was posted from their channel that was posted on August 5, 2023, with a video titled "Can't Believe Suri SMASHED Mom's Hand in The Car DOOR." Nothing happens for 7 long minutes as it's just vlog stuff. At around 8 minutes 27 seconds into the video, we see that apparently her hand gets slammed into the car door. Upon further inspection, it's very obvious that the blood on her hand was clearly ketchup to make it look real. Ketchup's thick and blood is thin. While this video was received well in terms of the like to dislike ratio, the bots or 'people' in the comment section are clearly brainwashed telling Suri (which I would assume is the mother) to get well soon. I mean the level of vlog-based channels now is just really absurd which is why no one should be watching them or rethink on what they watch. This was pointed out by DJ Cook.

Images & Sources:

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