Monday, October 3, 2022

Long Time no See (Please Read)

Hello there,

It has been quite a while since I've last posted anything. Last time I ever posted was back in the middle of August with the Cryaotic post. The reason for the inactivity was because I totally forgot about the recovery email and was a big screw up on my part. Since then, I created another account and transferred most of the posts here on this blog (using a simple copy and paste method) into Google Sites under the same name: Worst YouTuber Segment.

I mean sure, it was much lower in quality since the New Google Sites is still terribly lacking in terms of new features (like the ability to add comments and tags), but it was the only thing I had to make do with it (originally going to switch to something like WordPress). Unfortunately, I have been locked out of that account as well. This time, Google thinks that I'm violating their policy when that's not the case. While I'm waiting for an appeal, I have some good news.

The good news is that I was able to sign into this account and change the recovery email so hopefully I'm back for reals this time. When I signed back in, I got an email I didn't recognized, and it was for something related to phone number lookups like something that you would find on Whitepages. I essentially unsubscribed to them when I had the time.

It's a complete surprise that I'm back and hopefully will catch up to speed with new posts in the future. Thank you for reading and thank you for you're understanding.


- Michael Bay

UPDATE: October 5, 2022:

Well now, this is going to be the first update on my return. After this new post goes up and in future posts, I'm going to merge the images into one, meaning that some of the selected images will be put into one rather than one singular image at a time. It's similar to what I did with the Free Fur All post with all the tweets. Hopefully you'll stick along for any future posts coming out.

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