Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Pink Sauce Drama [UPDATE: October 3, 2022]

This post has been updated: Click Here.

TikTok, one of the biggest and yet the most cringeworthy platforms of all time. If you ever thought that the other social medias are bad, well TikTok takes the lead for being the worst. This is the first time that I've ever done anything that is TikTok related, so buckle up you're in for a treat. Anyways trends come and go, no matter how you look at it. Trends are usually the worst thing now as most of them can do more harm than it does ever being good. It depends on how stupid the person acts and for this we give you The Pink Sauce. Let me tell you that there isn't anything good on TikTok and I still think that it's a cringeworthy platform, let alone your personal information exposed by the masses.

So, what is The Pink Sauce and who's the creator behind it? The Pink Sauce is a recent trend created by a chef named Chef Pii, a 29-year-old living in Florida. The current followers she had before The Pink Sauce was 800 but after the trend, she gained 142,000 followers. The ingredients for Pink Sauce are Water, Sunflower Seed Oil, Raw Honey, Distilled Vinegar, Garlic, Pitaya (Dragon Fruit), Pink Salt and less than two percent of dried spices, Lemon Juice, Milk and Citric Acid. The pink color is from the Dragon Fruit (high in Magnesium) and looks like Pepto Bismol. Pii apparently use to be hospitalize and the doctors would try and give her medication, but instead she went on a different route and started eating Dragon Fruit. I don't know it's a bit confusing and would deem fake.

Issues With the Sauce:

Well, isn't it a stupid surprise when any TikTok Trend is complete shit. The very first issue with the sauce is the number of servings it has. Each bottle has 90 calories, but the typo was 444 servings when it should've been 444 grams. A pretty decently big mess up on her part. Another thing is the taste. Most of the people who bought the product said that it tasted like Ranch. If you think that it tastes like ranch, get a bottle of ranch dipping sauce or ranch dressing instead. It'll taste a lot better than what The Pink Sauce has with all of the ingredients. Plus, for one bottle cost $20 on her website which is ridiculous. Instead, you can save that amount of money to buy a bottle of Ketchup or Mustard for a couple of bucks.

One of the biggest issues with the sauce is that when people bought it, you'd expect it to be shipped in a package that has like a cooling pack or insulated coolers to keep it from boiling, but you'd be wrong. One of the ingredients for The Pink Sauce contains Milk and milk doesn't mix well when it's in the boiling hot sun. A lot of customers received The Pink Sauce in just a standard package. Unfortunately, many of them exploded while it was being shipped or sitting in the hot sun. The video shown above is one of the examples although this one didn't explode but swelled up. Many were disappointed what they got and ended up with a lot of backlashes too which Pii issued a statement. Basically, the statement was either get a replacement or issue a refund and that the color to what people were expecting was just a prototype. The whole statement itself was very confusing in that regards.

FDA Steps In:

Well, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Not long after The Pink Sauce took off, The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) stepped in asking general questions to Chef Pii about the sauce. As shown in the tweet, she was live on Instagram and was very confused about the question saying 'What FDA approved? I don't sell medical products.' Apparently, she thought that the FDA was only about drugs even though it does say Food and Drug. So, my recommendation is to never buy The Pink Sauce. In fact, you're better off just buying Ranch dipping sauce instead since it tastes better.

One other thing I forgot to mention is that The Pink Sauce is no longer relevant and that it's quite frankly the potential for lawsuits. Chef Pii is on a constant spree of failure in her product and as a matter of fact, she is still defending her product based on this article I found. Also, FDA steps in about the food poisoning complaints for The Pink Sauce.

UPDATE, October 4, 2022:

So, after many months without any updates to The Pink Sauce Drama, I figured I would give out a short update. The Pink Sauce Trend is finally dead. That's pretty much all I have to say about it.

Images & Sources:

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