Monday, March 27, 2023

Quick Update on Mini Ladd

Side Note Again: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Oh boy does the drama continue to unfold. Anyways, today we are talking about Craig Thompson once again a.k.a. Mini Ladd. For those that don't know what's going on and needs context, I did a post on Craig back in December titled 'Mini Ladd: The Worst YouTube Predator' and how he's a disgusting predator. However that post was prewritten back in August when I didn't have access to this account. When I got done with the post, I was able to get back into the secondary account and copy and paste the stuff from there all the way to here. For full context on that, click here. Anyways, today we are talking about Craig again because there's actually new stuff that has been coming out.

Quick Recap:

Craig Thompson (formerly known as Mini Ladd) started his channel off playing video games like Call of Duty. From there, he would receive shoutouts from various different creators from back in the day. Eventually, he would play with some of the member of the Vanoss Crew and play games like Garrys Mod. However, things started to go downhill right around in 2018 after a fight with used to be his friend Brian (a.k.a. Terroriser) over a joke that had nothing to do with the car crash (Craig along with another YouTuber Jaayy got hit by a car in early 2017). However, things have changed during the summer of 2020 after a couple of Twitter users by the names of Ash and Halley explained that he had sent nudes and inappropriate messages towards both of them. By the time that fall of 2020 rolled around, every single video from September to December would be disliked bomb by the community. At the time I'm making this post, he had left and came back a few times. What's fucked up is that there are people still forgiving him without any idea on what's going on. It's disgusting.

What's New:

His Return / A Callout / His Pathetic Response:

So, this is going to be a continuation from the last post I did when I talked about Craig since December. Unfortunately, he had returned to YouTube roughly a month ago mostly doing his livestreams under the live tab on his channel. From there, he would continue to do his content like nothing ever happened, however the like to dislike ratio remains the same. What I mean by that is the same overabundance of dislikes. This is mainly the fact that Craig is still a predator and still hasn't learn anything. Honestly, YouTube just needs to terminate him.

So here is part of the post where he gets called out as well as his pathetic response to the donator. On March 11, 2023, he uploads a YLYL and game night stream. Around the 10 minute 15 second mark, a user by the name of No_one_important donated $3 and wrote a message to Craig which he ignored for a short period. The message reads:

"We won't forget what you've done Craig. Sending and receiving inappropriate texts from minors, threatening these poor girls to keep them silent, and then played victim. You don't deserve to stay on this platform." - No_one_important.

No one in the chat noticed it and just kept on going. Here's where it gets to his pathetic response. Around the 11 minute 39 second mark, he responds to the user (No_one_important) who donated the $3 saying:

"Oh by the way, to the person who just donated to me, uh please get your facts straight, thank you I'll be back." - Craig.

As a result, the stream ended up receiving dislikes like the rest of his streams with roughly 524 likes to 3.2k dislikes. The YouTuber, TJV made a video on this situation as well as other videos on Mini Ladd in the last couple of weeks. Also I've linked the stream here as well as on YouTube but other than that, I couldn't find anything else related to Craig other than just this. I'll keep updating this post if anything new comes out.

Images & Sources:

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