Thursday, December 8, 2022

Brooke Houts: The Girl That Killed Her Career

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

People who have done the most disgusting acts on YouTube or any social media are considered to be the worst people on the planet. Not to mention that the people who abuse their pets and animals shouldn't own any and need to be served in jail/put to death. That is exactly what this girl did who immediately ruined her reputation. For today's post we have Brooke Houts; a girl who use to do vlog videos and in some cases vlog videos with her boyfriend Teale but got involved into some of the worst drama we've seen in years leading up to the disappearance and leaving the channel. She is also known for fueling the haters saying that the haters love them which is bullshit.

The Big Fall: So Far Down

The Dog Abuse Video / Response and the Intense Backlash:

I'm not going over her history because she deleted roughly 85% of her videos (despite starting her channel back in 2014). Brooke used to have a Doberman Pincher named Sphinx and so back on August 6, 2019, she what they quote "accidentally" uploaded a video (shown above) of what she describes pulling a prank but in actuality she was just abusing her dog involving hitting the dog as well as spitting in the face. Now that word accidentally is an understatement as she claims she's not an animal abuser which is false. After the video had surfaced, not many people talked about it until the very next day on August 7, 2019, where she goes to respond about the situation on Twitter (even though the tweet was posted on the day the video went up). One of the quotes that stood out in her response post was this:

"However, when my 75lb. Doberman is jumping up in my face with his mouth open, I do, as a dog parent, have to show him that this behavior is unacceptable." - Brooke Houts on Twitter.

The biggest issue about this part of the quote is the fact that she would do something so inhumane and then go on to say this is such a slap in the face and also a disgrace. YOU SIMPLY DON'T ATTACK YOU'RE DOG. While the dog wasn't taken away from her, she was met with a huge amount of backlash from the community as well as on YouTube.

The Attempted Restart / The Destroyed Career:

This is where she pretty much destroyed her career in a nutshell. She was trending everywhere from social media like Twitter and YouTube to various reddit posts. Many different YouTuber's like The Right Opinion, Amanda the Jedi, PaymoneyWubby and Aba N Preach go into details about Brooke and why she's an awful person. Even some of the news outlets like Inside Edition and ET Canada reported on her. She tried and attempted to restart her career, but it failed horribly (which means it all came to an end). Every time she goes to post a new video, it would be disliked bomb. Roughly about 2 years ago on March 6, 2020, she posted a video titled "Where I've Been" to which she explains her absence. In terms of the like/dislike ratio, the video has 1,490 likes to 57,408 dislikes.

One of the craziest things about this is that on Twitter, someone made a joke account titled @houts_dog which was all about more exposure to Brooke when the drama was still going on. The story itself is a collage of tweets from various different users. Another joke account was created under the same name: @brooke_houts because I think she either was terminated or she just deleted her twitter account. Unfortunately, she hasn't been terminated on YouTube because YouTube's guidelines are so bullshit.

It's also strange that no one reported her to the police or at least have the dog taken away from her. Even worse when she was reported, they didn't do anything until 2 years later. On January 14, 2021, Brooke uploaded a video titled "Where is Sphinx?" (Video shown above) where she talked about the situation involving her dog Sphinx and that Sphinx is in a much better home. Her description is the icing on the cake:

"Thank you for following Sphinx's journey. No matter what, we wanted to do what was best for him, even though this was a very tough decision to make. I hope this video answers any and all questions. I wanted to make sure everything was "set in stone" before posting about this online. I couldn't be more grateful for those of you who continue to show support. God Bless. ❤" - Brooke Houts.

Now I've highlighted some key details about the description and the problems with the statement. "We wanted to do what was best for him" and also trying to hide the fact that you abused your dog and that everyone saw the video. "I couldn't be more grateful for those of you who continue to show support." I mean what other lies could you possibly be hiding? Did you forget that you been cancelled since 2019? Apparently not if that is the case. No one supports you anymore and haven't been since you "accidentally" released the video and then on purpose, re-edited the video. Now this video got over 51k dislikes which isn't surprising.

The Disappearance / Inactivity:

Ever since the drama started as well as the massive dislike bomb and everything, April 7 of 2021 was the last and final video on her channel while the other channel Brooke & Teale has also been inactive since January of the same year. To give you a rundown on what Teale's personality is, it's basically bitter, angry and downright egregious. Anyways, Brooke has been losing subscribers and video views throughout the past few years. There was a peak in April of 2020, where she went from getting 25,373,479 views down to 251,266 views (which is -99% of the video views she got). There haven't been any new uploads since then because the community stepped in and took action. Hopefully she'll never return.

Images & Sources:

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