Thursday, October 26, 2023

Tanner Cook: The Human Prankster Who Got Shot [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content may be disturbing to some viewers.

There's always no doubt in mind that Pranksters always keen up for the YouTube fame and that fame always leads to negativity. This is the primary reason why I hate prank related channels today. Pranks back in the day were golden but now it's just been nothing but meaningful levels of awful. Pranksters like Seth Meiring and TGFbro pretty much set the bar for being the worst ones with others that do this type of shit come in close second, but I have found another one and this one is probably the craziest one of all time. For this we have Tanner Cook; a YouTube prankster who's only been on the platform for a year only for it come crashing down over one prank which ended up him being shot.

The Major Fall:

When Pranks Gone Wrong / Severe Backlash:

So, there's several different layers to this story but I will sum it up as to what exactly happened. Way back in April of 2023, Tanner and his buddy (who run the channel Classified Goons) decided to go to the Dulles Town Center Mall in Sterling, VA to basically harass individuals as these so-called pranks. One individual involved was a delivery driver named Alan Colie delivering food only for Tanner to stop him in his tracks. The prank itself went horribly wrong as Alan Colie grabs his pistol and shoots Tanner. Moments later, cops were called and shortly after, Alan (the guy who shot Tanner) was arrested and charge aggravated malicious wounding. The story went massive with several news outlets talking about the incident. In early May, Tanner testified in a court hearing about it.

Months went by and nothing had come from this story. That is until the ending of September and early October where there was another court hearing between both Tanner and Alan. Alan pleaded not guilty of the shooting and still remains in jail as there was an argument over self-defense. There was also some scrutiny regarding Tanner's actions like him saying that he didn't know that the guy was freaked out by him and scaring Alan. Of course, stupid kids do stupid things. However, this is not the end of it. On September 28, 2023, him and his mother were interviewed by a local news outlet talking about Alan Colie about the verdict. You can definitely tell the body language from both because Tanner was acting pathetic in the interview as well as his mother failing as a parent.

Where it all leads to the severe backlash is him literally continuing to do this garnering him more negative attention. At this point, he's literally asking to get shot again if something goes horribly wrong for a second time. As far as I can tell, he hasn't uploaded anything since the beginning of October and a variety of comments are mostly negative ranging from him pressuring to take the bullet to him not learning anything. Now in terms of his socialblade, it clearly shows that ever since the incident back in April, both his subscriber count and viewcount jumped garnering him over 13k subscribers and over 460k views on that day alone. Like I said before, stupid kids do stupid things and those things come back to bite you. What are your thoughts?

Images & Sources:

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