Sunday, July 16, 2023

Ribs is Still a Toxic Person

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never actually thought that we would talk about this person again but here we are. It's almost as if the vibes are coming across as to being somewhat edgy. Anyways, we are back once again with another post talking about this person again by the name of Ribs. For those that don't know and need context, I did a post back in May of this year titled "The Toxic Behavior of Ribs" and how she's been in the mental breakdown for the stuff leading up to her downfall. Well now as of today, there has been more information coming out against her including an interview from another Roblox YouTuber. Also, there's more stuff against her that is even worse than what it was back in April.

Quick Recap:

Ribs started her account in mid 2020 (during the pandemic) and grew a massive following as a Roblox YouTuber. In the early days, she would make speedpaints of various Roblox characters and shortly after, she went straight into animation and began posting short style videos around 9 to 11 seconds long. After her last video in May of 2022, she went offline for roughly 11 months before coming back to send hate messages to the fans telling them to kill themselves as well as praying all the people to die. Many users pointed out that she's having mental problems and mental illness hence the reason for the attitude change and were begging her to seek help.

What's New:

Suffering Mental Breakdowns Still / Making Excuses:

I'm going to keep this post relatively short becuase there's not a lot of info about her. A few weeks ago on June 24, 2023, a YouTuber by the name of Beamizum posted a video titled "The Full Ribs Roblox Call" (shown above) in which Beamizum schedules a call with Ribs. She said the reason for the hate messages and threats against the fans was because she 'did it out of complete anger and didn't technically mean it' however during the call, she doesn't apologize and won't be taking down the community posts about it. The comments on the video were between a mixbag to a negative response which isn't surprising. Also, the call was pretty damn jarring because she was eating chips and wasn't making any sense. She clearly hasn't taken full responsibility for her actions and therefor blowing by it as if nothing happened. Mental illness doesn't take a week to go away. It has to take a while before you get anything situated.

On June 13, 2023, a YouTuber by the name of Hox had uploaded a video prior to the call with Beamizum taking place titled "This YouTuber Ruined Her Career With One Post." In it, Hox explains the situations that I've discussed in my first post, however things get interesting, and it clearly shows that she's making excuses. In Late June (probably the same day on June 24), she posted a comment in response to the drama surrounding her in which she writes:

"bruh i cant bring myself to watch the video but why did someone actually put in the effort to make a video about me for views instead of actually trying to contact me and interview me personally like zzz if someone was toxic to you in a video game and they told u the same things i said no one would care like i know my fans are young but i couldn't care less bruh if people are actually taking it seriously and making a big deal about it then its their problem. i never said i have depression or anything people are just making stuff up. im not trying to get pity, people are actually assuming that like im just pissed off and i felt like making those posts its not that deep"  - Ribs.

Now I highlighted some key details about this statement that she wrote. First off, someone did interview you, but you were out of your fucking mind eating chips and not making any sense. People get a hold of this information because your actions show your true color. Once one YouTuber talks about you, then it spreads like wildfire. Also, depression isn't an excuse for you to send threats to your fans and saying that those posts isn't that deep is fucking insane. Literally a deranged psychopath would say that.

Now in terms of the threats she's been making, you may be thinking to yourself that she would lose subscribers. Actually, it's the complete and total opposite. During the time that she was making those threats, her subscribers were increasing. Before that, she was on the downward spiral losing subscribers month after month between mid to the end of 2022. Pretty recently on July 8 over to her Roblox Group, she posted a shout with the text 'hi' signaling that she's on the road to recovery. Now I could be wrong, but my prediction is that she's never going to change. Again, I could be wrong but only time will tell.

Images & Sources:

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