Saturday, September 30, 2023

Adfly Is No More (Linkvertise)

Adfly was considered to be one of the few URL Shorteners back in the day when it first came out. With the rise of more URL Shorteners, Adfly is considered to be lost within the ages. I did a post back in January called 'Adfly: An Awful Site Filled with Ads' and how its website became the birthplace for the Minecraft Community as well as the whole site being extremely dated. I also discussed about an add-on for browsers to skip the pop-up ads that appeared when waiting. I never would've thought that I would talk about Adfly again but this is actually kind of interesting. Things have changed since I last talked about them but think of this as like another update if you would. This is the last post for September.

What's New:


You're probably wondering what happened to Adfly? Well, it's very simple as Adfly is no longer a website anymore. When you try to go to the original URL for the website, it redirects you to another website known as Linkvertise. Just like other URL Shorteners, Linkvertise is also a URL Shortener but it's more of an improved version. It also has the same premise as Adfly in that the amount of likes or support you get, you get paid a certain amount. Now on some rare occasions, pop-ups usually happened but during my visit to the website, they weren't there. Now that's not to say that the site itself is filled with pop-ups, but when it happens it can be annoying. Unlike Adfly where it was completely free, users have the option to upgrade to premium to get access to premium content. This is very odd because for something that's geared towards Minecraft Mods among other things, hiding stuff behind paywalls is a big scam in it of itself. I don't know because I've never used Linkvertise but we've seen this tactic before with Microsoft.

The website isn't a good place to search for mods especially in this day and age where there are a ton of options to find them. Trying to search up an old mod is definitely out of the question. I would also advise not to trust the site because while pop-ups have decreased since then, malware within the files have increased drastically. Linkvertise claims that they check the files to make sure they're inspected and clean of any viruses, though those claims are false. The website got so bad in fact that it was picked up on advising users not to download anything from the site. Apart from this, people who are getting paid are getting fucked over due to the low output. Adfly would get you between $1-$5 per thousand clicks but Linkvertise only outputs at about 0.25 per thousand clicks. This is due to the RPM that they have on their website and how it monitors the users who signed up for them. The lowest number compared to the $1-$5 originally. Needless to say, stay away from the site.

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