Monday, July 31, 2023

Jinx Finally Quit: The Hated Reaction Channel

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

This really doesn't come to a complete surprise as reaction channels are complete garbage (some but not all of them). Anytime when a video comes out on YouTube, someone is destined to react to it. No matter what it is, they'll get desperate for that sweet YouTube ad revenue. Well, this YouTuber who goes by the alias Jinx on YouTube (real name is Anthony Brady if you searched it up on famous birthdays) has been soaked up into the reaction channel bandwagon has finally decided to quit YouTube altogether. Now it really didn't say why he quit but I would assume family life. The question comes as to why Jinx was the most hated reaction channel on YouTube? Well, were going to talk about that.

The Big Fall:

Stealing Content / Blandest Reactions:

Because Jinx had quit YouTube, I can't find any videos of his because he either deleted his channel or he was terminated. So why was he most hated? Well, Jinx was considered to be pointed out by the reaction community as he puts very low effort into the reactions he's doing. This translates into the very blandest of content and straight up theft in some ways (then again, many reaction channels do the thing where it falls under fair use). A primary example of this is when he reacted to a Jacksfilms video and did nothing but just smirking the whole time. Jack decided to react to Jinx and Jack was very befuddled about the whole situation. It actually made so much popularity that a DramaAlert was created with a debate in between the two. In the end, Jinx literally had no arguments against Jack.

But this wasn't the end of it for Jinx as he just blew by the drama like nothing ever happened. As a result, he kept going on with his reaction career to gain some buku bucks. Several YouTuber's talked about them like GradeAUnderA and BillsYT. Like I said before, Jinx's content comes out as being bland and lazy most of the time, so it's no wonder why he's hated. Personally, I don't watch reaction channels and Jinx is no exception. The guy is still active on social media like Twitter and Instagram but Facebook redirects to Health, Food, Wellness and Beauty Tips which is very familiar as I mentioned that page from when I did the ExpertVillage post. So there you have it, it's not much but you get the general gist of it.

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