Sunday, November 6, 2022

Alexia Marano: Content Just as Dumb as ImJayStation

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

We all knew this was coming anytime soon. It has been roughly 4 months since I've last covered the JayStation post. For those that don't know, the JayStation post was the first YouTuber post I talked about here when this blog was brand new. I would recommend checking that post out first before you read this one. You'll see what I mean once you read through it. Anyways we are talking about Alexia Marano; a YouTuber that was once the girlfriend of JayStation, but ever since her departure from Dream Team and all of the channels associated with JayStaion it has become a downhill spiral with the current state of her channel. It's all just non-stop cringe and clickbait and it's disgusting.

Alexia Marano (former channel name is AnythingAlexia) created her account on August 4, 2010, but was inactive until 9 years later on September 10, 2019, when the first video titled "HELP GIVE MY DAD THE GIFT OF TIME" was released to the channel. The video was about Alexia's dad having a rare kidney disease called Alport Syndrome which in case if you don't know deteriorates the function of the kidneys. She created a website called to where her dad can get a kidney by asking people to help find her dad a perfect donor. The video production about the situation was really top-notch high quality even for today's standards. Anyways the channel remained inactive again until the start of 2020 rolled around.

Why She's Bad:

Clickbait Titles & Thumbnails / Resorting to Current Trends:

Before I start this off, I wanted to say that the situation with Alexia's dad is very sad. I hope that her father is doing well.

After the breakup with JayStation and Dream Team altogether, Alexia decided to make videos on her channel. Unfortunately, it's not the good kind either but instead resorting to the trends, popular videos, unfunny content and clickbait titles & thumbnails. She is also the kind of person to think that loud equals funny and screams to the viewers. Plus, she's very loud and obnoxious.

I've decided to add in some videos (shown above) to give you a better understanding on what I'm talking about. I get that your content appeals to the younger audience and that it's meant for kids (or at least in some ways) but screaming and acting like a toddler is not the way to go. It doesn't make your image look good as a person because it's the way on how you present yourself on the internet. Anyways as shown in the videos above are just the few examples on why her content is bad. Jumping around on camera and freaking out while doing a reaction video at the same time. This comes out as being cringy and not being unique.

Images & Sources:

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