Monday, November 6, 2023

Whatever Happened to Minute Minecraft Parodies

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
I will be saying the word Parody or Parodies a lot.

Welcome back yet again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. About two weeks ago, I talked about a known popular Minecraft Animator known as Slamacow and him disappearing in 2017 but coming back briefly to show off a game he's been working on. Now, we have another Minecraft related channel to talk about once again as it's my most talked about subject and for this, we have Minute Minecraft Parodies; a channel that focuses on movie and game parodies with the style of the Minecraft theme but unfortunately, he disappeared never to be seen again. I'm exaggerating on that, but you get the general idea.

Minute Minecraft Parodies (also known as MMP for short) is ran by a guy named Kevin. MMP started the account on February 18, 2014, and uploaded the first video the very next day titled "Minecraft Parody - STAR WARS!" The general idea for MMP is that it parodies popular Movies and games related to the popular Franchises and the reason for the name 'Minute' is that each Minecraft Parody Video on his channel literally last 1 minute long. Anyways, after the release of two other Star Wars parodies, he moved on to do other parodies like JAWS, Lord of the Rings, The Legend of Zelda and even Five Nights at Freddy's. One of MMP's most popular and yet most viewed video on the channel is titled "INSIDE OUT!" which sits at over 17M views.

What Happened to Him:

MCN Abuse? /

I originally wasn't going to talk about Minute Minecraft Parodies because as far as I can tell, he hasn't done anything wrong. But because of him disappearing and that's what the series 'Whatever Happened To' is all about, I said screw it, well talk about it. Apparently, after the release of his video on Doctor Strange, Kevin would gain information about MCN, PowerTV and MMP and would talk about the contract. There had been some abuse going on with MCN so it's kind of a greyscale in terms of the information that's out there. Apart from the Two Videos talking about these issues, he used to be part of PowerTV. That is until he signed off with them two days after. Other than that, he continued to post parodies.

Speaking of which, after the release of 'MMP's Top 10 Compilation' on December 8, 2018, Kevin abandoned his channel and basically left YouTube. It is unclear on whether or not he's actually gone for good or if he'll make any sort of return. Then again with the rise of copyright and trying to censor things out, it would make the situation of making parodies more difficult. Twitter is still up with a tweet from 2017 and a reply from 2018, his Facebook is still up with a post from 2016, his Instagram is set to private and all in all, no new information has ever came out since then. He also kind of stirred away from making his videos at least a minute anymore and would resort to 1 minute 22 seconds long. Nothing really new there, just thought I would point that out.

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