Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Shelos1Life: Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
Some of this will be translated.

We live in a world full of reaction channels on YouTube. I mean seriously, when any sort of video is released, you'll see the YouTuber's who do reaction videos react to it. Now I'm not saying that all reaction channels are bad, however the ones that are scraping the bottom of the barrel are the shitty ones like the music reactions. This individual does it far worse and for today's post we have Shelos1Life; a Spanish YouTuber who does reaction videos but was caught in the line of saying disgusting shit to a deceased YouTuber and tried to exploit his death similar to that of ImJayStation. Personally, YouTube should've took action to terminate his channel but they didn't and is still producing shitty content.

The Major Fall:

Terrible Reactions / Insulting & Disrespecting Tomiii 11 / Aftermath:

I'm not going to talk about this guy's history because all of his content is considered to be one note in terms of reactions which is what all he does. I will say that the guy's name is Borja Boyero Amella.

So let's talk about his content first before moving onto the drama to where he is today. Some reaction channels pause the video to commentate and give their insight while others just play the video all the way through. Borja is the primary example of how to do reaction videos incorrectly. You wouldn't even necessarily call it a reaction as for the vast majority of the videos on his channel, he'll just skip to random parts making the reaction useless. A primary example of this is when he did a reaction of Helluva Boss episode 8 of Season 1. This translates to being laughably bad and rightfully so because the quality of his content had dropped substantially with the content output posting 1-3 videos a day. Going for the quantity route, I guess. Plus, he takes his streams and reuploads them and calls it content.

Tomiii 11 was a Chilean YouTuber that had rose into popularity around the start of 2021 and had reached over 8.6M subscribers. Unfortunately, on August 30 2021, Tomás Blanch Toledo (also known as Tomiii 11) had passed away due to brain cancer. It was reported that he suffered a brain tumor which spread to his right eye (in videos you see a bandage) and he couldn't use his left arm and had a special keyboard made for him. Everyone had support for him and his family continues to run the channel to this day.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, where does Borja come into play? Well, a month before Tomás's passing, Borja makes a video (since deleted but reuploaded) which was an attack on Tomiii stating that the subscribers he gained was all pity. This wasn't just the only instance that Borja was doing. In fact, he was doing it to a majority of child YouTuber's. This was met with intense backlash to which his own community had turned against him. PassThor made a video talking about the situation. There was also more behind the scenes to this. After Tomiii's passing, he talks about it on twitch (all the videos have been deleted) basically insulting him again and said this (translated to english):

"Ah, now I can say that Tomiii's channel is dead, right? He won't upload anything anymore ... So, the people who say that Tomiii is better, they are praising a dead person, a dead channel, now I can put in your empathy, necrophilia." - Borja.

This was pretty much the start with him losing subscribers within a matter of days, especially when it came to the tone of his voice. Unfortunaetly, Borja wasn't fully canceled for this. However, the drama wasn't finished after that.

On September 9, 2021, Borja comes back with a video titled "TOMI 11... I'M SORRY" (since privated but can be accessed through the archive) in which he 'apologizes' for his actions depicted about making fun of Tomás and his conditions. The response was received negatively (obviously) and felt like it was a pity statement to save face. YouTuber's like Fzst, Luisardo, La Galera and Usted Esta Aqui - UEA made videos talking about Borja and his insane tactics. This is where the decline basically started from there. He made the trend on Twitter with people furious and videos that would appear on his channel after that would be more dislikes than likes. Why? Because the guy is a total piece of shit.

Now in terms of the decline, his channel had reach peak at around 213k subscribers in April of 2021 (4 months before the controversy) and has been continuing a downward trend very slowly. Within a span of 2 years after the controversy, he's already down to 196k subscribers at the time I'm making this post. So, it goes to show that you can basically kill your career at almost an instant and from what I heard, he's still continuing to do this to this very day. Very fucking disgusting.

Images & Sources:

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