Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Drastic Downfall of Ephemeral Rift

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
An alternate title would be Ephemeral Rift: From Greatness to A Tragedy.

I never thought in a million years that I would see this guy end up here on this blog but with the recent drama that had been circulating since October, there's no other way around it or any other way to put it. This was actually pointed out by a small streamer (which I will not name) so thank you for telling me have I not known about this. Typically, I was never into ASMR style videos as most of them follow pretty much the same format regardless of what the exact premise of it is. Ephemeral Rift was the first person that I saw that kind of hype the trend and for this we have Ephemeral Rift; an ASMR channel that promises to spread positivity and motivation but began his mental decline for posting bias insulting shit.

Ephemeral Rift (that's how he goes by his channel name) started his account on September 13, 2011. The channel remained inactive for two months until November 10, 2011, when the first video titled "Native American Flute Music & Relaxing Nature Scenes" was released. From 2011 to 2012, he would continue to upload Nature videos with the last one posted on April 6, 2012. Shortly after, he moved on to doing the first ASMR video being posted the next day on April 7 titled "ASMR Container of Crayons". Because this was such a passion for Ephemeral Rift, he continued and still continues to this very day posting ASMR style videos. Sometimes, he'll change the content around to do a series titled "Let's Talk" where he covers topics like holidays, events, motivation and so on. One of his most popular and yet most viewed videos on his channel is titled "Sleep for the Sleepless ASMR" which sits at over 17M views.

The Downfall:

The N Word Debacle / The Mental State:

Well, what a great way to start December and this doesn't come to a surprise now, does it? Well, this has happened before from other YouTuber's that I talked about on this blog so it's not the least bit surprising. From October 5 to October 20 is where it just all went downhill from there. What is surprising is how he thinks that the N word is okay to say despite him claiming that he isn't a racist and he's white. In fact, he actually said this on three different ocasions and tries to say it like it's a nice thing. He also pulled a Labrant Fam in this one comparing the things about livestock to the Holocaust. These are just some of the few assumptions made by Ephemeral Rift.

Despite this being on Twitter (which is basically where people go most of the time), he also makes a post on his website on October 10 of the same reasoning, however that has been edited to censor it out and still has the post up to this day. Many people saw the whole thing go down about him and suspect that he might've been hacked. When users asked if he had been hacked, he brushed it off and people came up with even more speculation suggesting that he's going through a mental state. To make things worse, he thinks that society causes disabilities and it sounds like something that a fake psychic would come up with.

On October 19, 2023, Ephemeral Rift comes out with an apology on both Twitter and his Website first, then followed by a YouTube video the very next day on October 20 which is over 50 minutes long. I'm not going to spoil the whole apology story because everyone knows that when you do these apologies, they're always terrible and Ephemeral Rifts apology is no exception. Like I said before, he updated that post on his website changing everything to censor the N Word but by the time he did that, it was already too late. The comments on each of his videos since the drama don't understand what is going on and tried to forgive him. The apology is just another way of scapegoating the situation, but I know for a fact that he's just downplaying to protect his image.

While his apology video received between good to a mixbag reception, his subscriber count did not change one bit since the start of his drama. Not only to protect his image but also hiding the fact that he's going through a mental state. It's also insane to the people that still don't understand the problem. It's ironic because when I was doing some research on this guy, I came across his Instagram and found this gem with the title "Human Lives Don't Matter." Holy shit, this is literally insane. So, to me this is where it ends here. If you're devastated by this, unsub to him and look elsewhere.

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