Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Seth Meiring: From Terrible Prankster to Termination

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

We live in a world where at least one person resorts to doing pranks. Not the harmless ones but the ones that actually do more harm than anything. It's the primary reason why modern-day prank videos are worse than the ones from back when YouTube first began. Nowadays you may be asking what's the point in pranks if you're going to get caught? Beats me I don't really know at this point. When pranks videos go too far, then that creator gets backfired and for this we have Seth Meiring; a YouTuber who risks his career making prank videos but the sole purpose is to piss off and annoy people. This also led to a Termination of his channel but was reinstated later on.

The Major Fall:

Simp Assaulted Me Video / The Late Backlash / Termination? / Sub-Botting:

Well, we knew where this was going. Seth seriously has a problem with harassing people and he's a fucked up human being. Six months ago on February 27, 2023, Seth uploads a video titled 'Simp Assaulted Me' (video shown above) in which he goes around a beach area to annoy people. One of which was when he approaches a couple talking to the girl hitting on her asking for her phone number while wearing a shirt that says, 'Ur man is a pussy.' The guy took it as a threat, so he smacks the camera and throws the microphone into the open water. Seth calls the cops, but the funny thing is that it all backfired on him as the cops sided with the couple and ask him to leave. The video was met with intense backlash with the like to dislike ratio at 1,976 likes to 36,886 dislikes.

After the video was released and a lot of backlashes was given to Seth, it took three entire months for this story to get out into the open. May 23, 2023, is when he was getting severe backlash from the community. News outlets like Dexerto and Gamingbible talked about the drama surrounding him. RayWilliamJohnson made a video on it saying that 'We should make laws to stop this bullshit.' Twitter also played a role and that the responses were a mixbag siding with either Seth or the couple while others said that they were both in the wrong. His Twitter account is still up although hasn't posted since May of 2022, with people responding saying you're not funny or to go KYS.

In terms of the only termination was his Facebook account which is still up but haven't been touched since January and his Patreon account. Apart from that, all of his other medias are still up like Instagram and Snapchat. With the drama coming out, you would've expected him to lose subscribers but no. In fact, every day he's been getting hundreds of subscribers which leads me to believe that he's actually sub-botting. While there isn't proof of that, I honestly think that he's buying subs every single day to stay relevant.

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