Thursday, July 14, 2022

JellyBean And the Awful Clones

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

The worst part about the terrible side of YouTube is the trends. For many, trends come and go but most of them stick around until they eventually die down. For a lot of people including myself who grew up in the early days of YouTube without any problem whatsoever, there comes a time where something becomes big enough to blow up on YouTube and we already know that it's going to become bad. Others will jump onto the same trend to create their own version, thus making it far worse than what it actually is. JellyBean is the primary example of when things go completely wrong on her end and therefor the general audience turns against her with a reason. It's a lot of things a PNGTuber can't take lightly and creating their own narrative to cover things up. I may be exaggerating on that one, but it could happen.

You may be asking the question, who is JellyBean and what does she do? JellyBean (alternate names include Bean or BeanNotHere) Created her channel on October 8, 2020. She uploaded the first short on October 21, 2021, with the title "Mexican Dream in Minecraft". This was the start for Bean's content as she continued to upload Minecraft related videos to her channel. Few months later, she does the "Minecraft but I'm Reading Your Comments" videos and continues to do it to this day, and she also features a PNG version of herself, hence the name PNGTubers. It's basically her reading comments (along with the PNG drawing of her character) with Minecraft parkour in the background and that's really about it. Once she started jumping on, many others began doing the same exact thing but 10x worse.

The Demise:

The nerve of some people to eat your heart out. Anyways, this first one has to do with comment spamming. This was actually the start for her demise and for her being considered the most hated PNGTuber of all time. Bean uploads a video on January 2, 2022 (as shown above, correct me if it's the wrong video) basically telling her toxic fanbase and her audience to go and start a comment war with the tag "It's not a mistake, ✨ IT'S A MASTERPIECE ✨" repeated over and over again. She sent her fanbase encouraging to go after a variety of YouTuber's to spam the same message in their comment section. People started to question as to what the message means or why they're getting the same message. It ended up being a meme on and YouTuber's like Twi Shorts and Beesechurger 73 participated in the trend. They also became the most hated when people didn't like it or want it.

This went on and on and on like a never-ending abyss. She did address it saying do not go to other streamers and YouTuber's and flood their comments as well as going and attacking them, but the damage was already done. This is what I mean by the stupidity of one's behavior and what they don't think right. Of course, the problem ensues as popular YouTuber's like SunnyV2, Jaydn, Dankly, Turkey Tom and many others talk about her and her problems. The worst part about the comment spam is that it's still ongoing but to very specific YouTuber's that she mentions. To me she thinks that it's not that big of an issue but maybe for the guy on the other end. It would seem like JellyBean is mentally ill and needs help. It also doesn't hide the fact that her toxic fanbase (maybe some other ones) are destroying YouTuber's. Now I will say that it was terrible that she got doxxed by this guy and didn't even apologize for it. Any person that doxxes another person should be banned and go straight to hell. Honestly, I do feel bad for her going through this situation and should've never happened.

The Really Bad/Awful Clones:

For those that are curious, I'm only doing just the one controversy from JellyBean because the others really aren't that interesting to talk about. This was the only one that stood out. Anyways as the title would insist, after the success of JellyBean, many other PNGTuber's started jumping on the bandwagon with them having the same layout as her layout. It's essentially the same exact content structure and nothing else. What makes the clones stand out the most is the fact on how many there are and how absolutely terrible they are. There's no substance to the clones, it's literally the exact same thing over and over and over again. Plus, the PNGs of their characters are far worse than JellyBean's. You could say that it's variety but that's not saying much. Also, their voices are terrible too so allow me to give you a few examples here:


I decided to put Meowbahh on top of the list because well, he's an obvious troll and the person who's talking as a girl is actually a guy. He just uses a voice changer to alter the voices and he got doxxed, therefor his face was leaked all over the internet. Anyways he was coming under fire a few times. The first one was when he said the word 'R****d' during a quick Q&A. He did apologize to the 'disabled fandom', but people got madder at him because he was eating during that segment. Another one is that he created a Discord server titled 'Kawaii Corner' which he says the N word and tells people to go and kill themselves. The moderation of the comments was so bad that it was eventually shut down and he made a new one titled 'Kawaii Corner Reborn' with close to 90k members, which moderated the comments but still says the N word.


RedVelvety is one of the few clones that was put onto the list. You can definitely tell the similar style of JellyBean's content but with a more annoying voice and hiding the fact that he's furry. He also made a tier list video about 2 months ago creating every PNGTuber tier. What a surprise he puts himself low down in the Meowbahh category of dog shit. Or he changed it off camera who knows? As far as I'm concern, I don't think he's done anything that is complete damage control around the outside part of YouTube other than him being annoying and cringy. Most people can disagree with me and that's okay. Seeing this side of YouTube is an awful experience for me and the rest of the people that hate PNGTubers in particular.

Frost Fox:

You can tell from the very obvious thumbnail and the ridiculous title; Frost Fox is most definitely in the furry community. If you don't believe in me well, see for yourself with this video and prove me wrong. For whatever reason whatever the software they use is literally the same movements with their PNG characters as JellyBean's. The only other positive (not really saying much) is that he's less annoying than RedVelvety or any other ones that I'm going to mention. I really don't have anything else to talk about Frost because he's another one that hasn't done anything damaging or in complete damage control (it may happen eventually). This is also another channel with the whole 'pronouns' thing.


One of the most pathetic, creepiest PNGTubers out there and probably the most annoying, BabaStreams doxxes JellyBean who is a minor with no rimal reason of defence whatsoever. This is also the same guy that I linked earlier but just in case this is not the actual video, it's a follow up to his previous video. At the time I'm making this post, the video has a balance of 2.1k likes and 2.1k dislikes (if you're using returnyoutubedislikes add-on). The guy didn't even apologize for it basically trying to defend himself without even trying. This was back in March of 2022 and a few YouTuber's like Jayden, Eternx, Salty and a few others talked about the situation. It's absolutely horrible and people like BabaStreams should be banned off the platform. This is also a guy that would literally do anything for clout, just saying.


Before anyone criticize me, these are all their latest videos. Up nex is Tuxbowdie. Of course, most of these people are furries and its easily recognizable by their fursonas. You can also tell that a lot of these PNGTuber's also use Minecraft gameplay. Minecraft has gone downhill, hasn't it? Anyways Tuxbowdie shortly switch from PNG to being a VTuber. Uugghh I hate both of these. This is also another channel that hasn't done any damage control either. Before anyone says anything, I picked these out because they're the ones that pop up in my trend. I also want to mention just like Frost Fox, he copies roughly the same exact expression and movement so there's no difference.


There were only a few videos but that was to the extent. Here'sJeffy wanted to jump onto the same trend as everyone else but also make it 10x more awful. Plus, I don't think Jeffy would ever sound like that. For those that don't know, Jeffy is the character from SML (SuperMarioLogan) before Nintendo went after him. SML's channel was quite large and had a decent following with him making skits of Nintendo character plushies. It sad when a big company destroys a decent size YouTube channel and therefor turning the tables and becoming shit. The video shown above is one of his videos (reading hate comments among other things) but there's another one if you go and search it.

Images & Sources:

Clone Channel Sources:

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