Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Future Of This Blog

Well, hello there. This really wasn't what I was expecting to do again but here we are. While this post is going to be really short and straight to the point, it mostly covers the basics of stats as well as to what's changing.

The first one has to do with The Future of This Blog. Ever since this blog took off a year ago, it wasn't in the best of shape. In the early months of the blog, the stats were on the lowest end. Between the end of 2022 and the start of 2023, the stats rose due to more search interests and being picked up by search engines. Once March rolled around, the stats went down again.

The only recent spike in views were around mid-September, gaining over 500 views in one day alone but just like previously, fell again after the wave. While over 9k isn't the greatest in terms of stats What I'm trying to say is that if you enjoy this blog, consider sharing it around. I will also change the layout of this blog in the coming months so just be on the lookout for that.

Nevertheless, I hope you stick around as I continue to make posts regarding YouTuber's and other things. That was also the thing too. When I opened up for other posts that didn't have anything to do with YouTuber's in particular, I didn't expect them to succeed as they did so I will continue to do that. Till next time.

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