Saturday, December 9, 2023

Kwebbelkop Is Still A Rotten Person

Side Note: Once Again, please do not go and attack or harass this person, even though he's still being controlled by AI.

And here we are back at it again with this guy known as Kwebbelkop. It has been roughly two months since the last time I talked about him regarding the controversy that involved replacing him with AI. For those that don't know and need context, way back near the end of September, I talked about Kwebbelkop in a post regarding his big change replacing him with AI. This however didn't go as planned at least for him as it was met with a hefty amount of negativity. Since then, he still continues to use AI for his promotions and for his content. However, today were back for an update regarding Kwebbelkop and his tactics and to be honest, it's not pretty.

What's New:

Comment Moderation / Attacking His Friends:

Regarding the recent drama that surrounds him and his change for the AI craze back in August, nothing really new has changed with the format. However, he's training his AI to moderate comments because apparently, he doesn't like criticism, or we don't know because he doesn't exist anymore. From a latest video he posted roughly 10 hours ago, the comments on there are either generated by dead subscribers or bots and as a matter of fact, 92% of the subscriber base are all dead. It's a common tactic that's used with YouTube was supposed to fix but didn't.

Because he's no longer coming back to YouTube like a real normal person, coming back to post a video about why he's still getting all the hate. What's worse about this is that he used the same format as the other video called 'The End of Kwebbelkop AI' with the same pose, same backdrop and same everything. Of course, this was met with negative reception again with 6.8k likes to 42k dislikes. One of his closest friends like Jelly as an example had made a video talking about the whole hate debacle against Kwebbelkop. Despite Jelly having an annoying past, he was actually upfront about the controversy surrounding Kwebbelkop. And of course, his Twitter is just a cesspool of hate because of the AI controlling what he prompts to post. Literally doing nothing.

Images & Sources:

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