Monday, October 10, 2022

Braso: Milking Someone For Clout

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

With the day in age of people on YouTube, most of the content they produce can either be good, bad or even outright terrible. There's a lot of people who would milk a game so hardcore that the state of the content would get stale after a while. The same applies with a game like Minecraft (which is what I've talked about since the last few months with The Awful PNG Tuber's), which there's ton of content from the channels who produce them. This also leads to the same stale repeat of videos and it's not a good thing. Well today we're talking about something different. We are talking about Braso; a Minecraft YouTuber that has come into being pretty recently but was also another YouTuber that milked Technoblade's death for views and clout.

Braso (formerly known as Braso so there's no difference) started his account on February 26, 2020. He uploaded his first video on April 27, and it was a review of the Logitech G102 which is a computer mouse. He would upload videos related to computer mice such as The Glorious Model D and the Razor Deathadder but would also make videos on How to Butterfly Click or Making Your Mouse Double Click. Shortly after, he switched his content around and started making videos related to the Minecraft Speedrunner Dream. One of those videos is on how he grew his channel fast and the other one is on the most intense yet sad moments from him. This was the tipping point for Braso as he would continue to upload videos related to Dream, which isn't surprising to say the least.

The Fall:

Milking Content / Technoblade Exploitation:

Now when I say he makes videos related to Dream, I really mean it. As shown in the screenshot above was from a year ago and the guy still makes videos on Dream, talking about the latest trend which is his face reveal. This guy would make quite a number of videos within a day and it's literally the same exact thing. This is also a way for him to garner views and clout (quite possibly the money too) which is downright scummy. Braso is also another channel that milks Minecraft content to death just like any of the other channels that do. Again, this isn't very surprising to say the least.

Makes Technoblade clickbait videos within a week.

Let's be real here, anybody who exploits people's deaths for clout should be terminated off of YouTube or any social media platforms for that matter. Back in July of 2022, Braso made a series of videos within a week just full on exploiting Technoblade's death for views. The guy is a rebranded Foodistzen but equally as terrible. People called him out for not donating or having a donation box in the videos so that way he could send the money to him. He makes a video (since deleted but reuploaded) claiming that he donated the money to Technoblade though it hasn't been confirmed and it was fake. He also got striked by YouTube for the violation of the guidelines, I guess enough people reported on him. Anyways this led to channels like Lanza, Breone, Jadyn, AugieRFC, M8use, HarleyTBS and several others to make videos on this guy and the situations depicted. In terms of the donation, it was all fake. He claimed that he donated $3,000 but openly admitted going straight into his account or in his pocket. A YouTuber by the name of Optimus explained the situation further.

Failed Callout Attempts:

There's also one last thing that I want to cover and that is the failed callout attempts. Sometimes he'll make videos where he calls out a YouTuber for the supposed 'fake information' that he's been doing for the past few months including the fake donation and privating the videos he's made on Technoblade. This really didn't do him much good anyways because the guy doesn't know any better and he knows he's going to be called out again. Several YouTuber's like Jadyn, Relolyn and Breone got hit with the callouts, but they've made response videos on this guy. Goes to show that this guy can't be hit with criticism because it's his severe weak point.

Images & Sources:

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