Thursday, December 29, 2022

WYS: Worst YouTuber's of 2022 (Including Websites and Events)

Banner created by me.

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These aren't in any particular order. Also, all of the sources won't be here as it will take too long. Please check out the posts for the full sources.

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas/Holiday break, and we are back again with another post but this one is going to be a little different. As 2022 is coming to a close in the next couple of days I thought I would change it up and count down some of the worst YouTuber's that I talked about in 2022 along with some websites and events. Even though this website was created back in July of 2022, there's still enough posts to justify making a list on. Way back in August, I couldn't get into this account but since then (October 3 to be exact), I got back into this account and started making posts again. Hopefully You'll stick around for this upcoming year of 2023. With that being said, let's begin.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Ohmwrecker: Many Mistakes Leads to Hate [Christmas Special]

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Sorry if this one might be coming out a bit late than usual.

Merry Christmas Everyone. I'm back once again to bring you another post and this is quite frankly one of the worst YouTuber's of all time. I rarely talk about anything related to The Vanoss Crew since it's a whole series in it of itself. It's the primary reason why it's all starting to crumble. Anyways today we are going to be talking about Ohmwrecker; an American YouTuber that was well known in The Vanoss Crew and playing a lot of games but in the recent years have been circling himself around the drama, going so far as to how many people will hate him all at once. Trust me when I say it's pretty much a terrible image into how so much of a fuckup leads people to not watch you anymore.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Antoons: The Insulting Tracer and a Complete Scumbag

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This post will receive more updates and more information.

Another day another art related channel and quite frankly the worst one that I've ever seen. I've talked about several different artists in the art/animation community with many of them controversial including LupisVulpes, GameToons (no controversies other than 2020 content), Arin Hanson, AmorAltra, Charem the Shadox and GaroShadowscale (with an update). Check those posts out if you're interested. Today we are talking about a guy that deserves to be shit on and that is Antoons; a YouTuber who is known in the art/animation community and was involved in creating some of the worst controversial/political comics of all time as well as being a tracer and a predator.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Valkyrae: One Mistake Leads to a Scam

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Don't trust YouTuber based products. They don't work.

It doesn't come to a surprise that when a YouTuber releases a product, it will eventually come down to a crumble because no one in the right mind is supporting it or just simply given out bad reviews. There were quite a number of YouTuber's that would do such a thing but then used falsified evidence to back their bullshit claims. Even worse is when they try to reach out to the most popular YouTuber's for them to defend the situation and for this, we have Valkyrae; a YouTuber who streams on YouTube (obviously) and plays a lot of games and does vlog type videos but ended up into the drama loop by selling a skin care product that doesn't work. Goes to show she didn't do her research.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

5-Minute Crafts: Nonstop Content Farming

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Ah yes, the nonstop content farmers. You got to hate them most of the time especially with the way they produce content. It's exactly what happened with a commentary channel I talked about a few weeks back titled Pointless: The Age of Garbage Commentary. Check out that post if you're interested but anyways today, we are going to talk about a garbage channel just like the rest and that is 5-Minute Crafts; a so-called arts & crafts channel that does what you would expect it to be however promotes dangerous life-threatening acts. Even worse when they switched the content around to pump out more videos within a single day, going for the quantity over quality.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Huge Disaster of TanaCon

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I originally made this post awhile back close to the end of October, but it was scrapped due to it being poorly written. So, this is essentially round two and were trying once again. Sorry if this post took a few days. For today's post we are talking about TanaCon, a convention that was so bad that it was on the brink of collapse. It was a big failure because people had to wait in line in the excessive heat thus being sweaty and dehydrated and also pays tribute to AceFest (though TanaCon took place in 2018 while AceFest took place in 2022) with its similarities for the most part. However, its more similar to that of FyreFest only for disaster waiting to happen. So, to give you a brief rundown.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Mini Ladd: The Worst YouTube Predator [UPDATE: December 21, 2022]

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This post was created way back in August of 2022 on the other account.

Predators are everywhere on social media, YouTube and various other platforms. It's extremely difficult to report these types of people since they're never removed from said medias or even reported to the police. They always have an excuse and a defense mechanism to avoid the police at all costs to repeat it all over again. It's exactly what happened with ToonKriticY2K but were not talking about him today. For today's post we have Mini Ladd, a well-liked YouTuber back in the day suddenly took a huge turn for the worst as of the year 2020. We all know about this guy and his actions, but it pays tribute to another YouTuber that I talked about named Cryatoic along with Charem the Shadox, Entity Mays and Khord Kitty.

Beluga: The Annoying Unfunny YouTuber

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Most YouTuber's can be funny while others can't. It's probably because of the style of content and also the target audience. I've seen people defend YouTuber's who think their funny, but they aren't. I've said this before in some other post I did but most of the good YouTuber's are buried by the terrible ones and for this I give you Beluga, a guy who got popular by posting Discord related videos, thinks he's funny when he's not and post mostly the same thing over and over and over again and nothing else. It also gets to the point of being completely stale after a while. Please keep in mind that this guy is still currently active on the main channel rather than the other.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Quick Update: The Other Account [UPDATE: December 10, 2022]

Hello everyone. This is just a quick update on the situations that was happening to the other account that I had. For those that need context, click here for more information.

To give you a quick rundown, I created another account way back in August of 2022 and created a Site using Google Sites for the time being as well as being under the same name 'Worst YouTuber Segment.' The reason why I couldn't get back into this account was because I forgot about the recovery email, and it was my fault. Once I got back, the other account ended up being disabled by Google. So, with that being in mind, I've got some good news and maybe a little bit of bad news.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Brooke Houts: The Girl That Killed Her Career

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People who have done the most disgusting acts on YouTube or any social media are considered to be the worst people on the planet. Not to mention that the people who abuse their pets and animals shouldn't own any and need to be served in jail/put to death. That is exactly what this girl did who immediately ruined her reputation. For today's post we have Brooke Houts; a girl who use to do vlog videos and in some cases vlog videos with her boyfriend Teale but got involved into some of the worst drama we've seen in years leading up to the disappearance and leaving the channel. She is also known for fueling the haters saying that the haters love them which is bullshit.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Saucy and Honey: The YouTube Criminals

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There has been such the terrible age of prank videos and for that it completely shows. Back when YouTube was just a thing for people to upload content, there were the channels that would do prank videos and for most people would consider this the golden age of content. However, I digress because there comes a time where "a simple prank" could lead them into getting a lot of trouble. Many of the channels that do the grossest, yet disgusting things always get away with it, but not for this couple as we are talking about Saucy and Honey; a YouTube couple that used to do prank videos a while back but leading up to the drama is what ended them up in jail for trespassing.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Generation Hope: New Age of Clone Content

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Sorry if the English in this post is bad.

We live in the day in age of content that is literally the bottom of the barrel. Even going so far as to hire actors who probably don't get paid all that much just to make you look like the biggest douchebag in society. With all the hype of actors will come with big consequences and that is the main problem with Dhar Mann (the guy who does reenactments of real-life cringeworthy stuff) and all of the clone channels. Well for today's post we have Generation Hope; a Dhar Mann type clone channel that makes skits to make a quick buck to try and teach morals, but also got involved into some hefty drama. When I say drama, I mean it several different layers of it one at a time.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Small Update on The GaroShadowscale Drama

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Well, it's that time once again to talk about a much smaller update on the GaroShadowscale drama since it's been a while. For those that don't know, I talked about GaroShadowscale in another post back on July 24, 2022, titled "GaroShadowscale: The Entitled Money Hogging Parasite" (right around the time when this blog took off), and I brought him up multiple times in different furry related posts because well, he is a terrible furry. If you haven't seen that post yet, I would recommend checking it out first before reading through this one to get the memo. This is a small update on what has been going on with GaroShadowscale in the last 5 months.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Charem the Shadox: More Disgusting Like the Rest

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This is a rewritten post. Originally created on October 5, 2022. Bear with me if most of this is filler. I also want to apologize if this is coming out much later.

Another day another furry running in the wild. Probably one the worst furries to ever exist. I don't know which one is the worst. Now I've talked about several different furries in other post like LupisVulpes, GaroShadowscale and Khord Kitty and the terrible convention Free Fur All along with Updates. Check those posts out if you're interested. For today's post we have Charem the Shadox; a Furry related YouTuber that makes videos related to gaming but was in the center of drama for grooming minors (including explicit messages and drawing underage characters) in his Discord server. The saddest thing about this that no one is talking about the drama. It's also the last day of November to.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Naya Momoko: The Most Annoying PNGTuber/VTuber

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I never actually thought I would do a post related to both a PNGTuber and also a VTuber at the same time but here we are. I've mentioned PNGTubers back in July with the JellyBean post along with the awful predecessors and one terrible VTuber Furry also in July called GaroShadowscale. Both set the bar for the most awful type of content there is out there. Well today we are talking about a combination of both and that is Naya Momoko; a VTuber/PNGTuber that makes self-explanatory content if you know what both VTubers and PNGTubers do but is known to be the most cringeworthy person around. Plus, they're considered to be a clone channel because everyone copies their style and format.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pointless: The Age of Garbage Commentary

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This is considered to be an older post. Originally created on October 28.

Another day, another channel to basically shit on. I think I've talked about someone who was into the commentary topic and if I didn't, well this is the first time talking about a commentary channel. This type of genre sucks most of the time and it becomes the top of the list for garbage content, whether or not they have a history for doing terrible things. For today's post we have a channel called Pointless (that's what he's called); a fairly decent size commentary YouTuber in terms of the subscriber count, but very often makes clickbait videos with the very obvious yet awful thumbnails. Plus, this guy cashes in on the trend stuff and it's fucking terrible by design.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Fall of AmorAltra

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Here we are at it again with another YouTube predator and this one's equally as terrible as the rest of them. I've talked about a few predators (not just YouTube) such as Khord Kitty, Cryaotic and Entity Mays. Check out those posts if you're interested. But anyways today we are going to be talking about AmorAltra; an Indonesian YouTuber who use to be famous in both the Art Community and the Animation Community but has since changed after several creators called him out about his terrible behavior against his moderators including drawing NSFW (Not Safe For Work) art of them and basically grooming a minor. Needless to say, the community killed his channel.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Arin Hanson Drama

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The history on Arin Hanson will be about his Newground origins.

For the people who grew up in the early days, I'm sure that you probably heard of this guy before what we have known today as Egoraptor. He was considered to be an animator from way before the origins of YouTube was ever created. Unfortunately, with him, he's pretty much gone off the rail in the recent years basically going after people who make fun of him over content that's supposed to be satire. With a name like Egoraptor, he's definitely got the pure ego of a child to which he can't have nice things and to blame others. I know I'm basically stretching this one but that's what we're going to talk about today with what he's done that's gotten negative attention.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Update And Recap on FreeFurAll [UPDATE: January 26, 2023]

This post has been updated into a separate post: Click Here.

Well, it's that time once again to do another Update and this time, on a convention that I talked about 3 months ago. The reason for all of these updates is because if anything is new, then it would be exceptional to make new posts rather than constantly updating existing posts. I know that sounds stupid than what it actually is. Anyways the first time I covered on the Free Fur All Convention was 4 days after it's run back in July. If you haven't seen that post, I would recommend checking it out first before reading through this one to get the memo. Free Fur All was considered to be a controversial disaster in most of the Furry Communities eyes but for them, not so much. Even if they see this, they're going to think it's bogus.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Update on The Ace Family

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As expected in this post today, we are talking about The Ace Family again and will give you some updates on what has been going on in the last few months. The last time I ever covered something that was related to The Ace Family was when I talked about their own event called AceFest back in July of 2022 which was a complete and utter disaster. If you haven't seen that post yet, I would highly recommend checking it out first before reading this one. The Ace Family has been caught so many times during the span of their channel. To me I think that it's the primary example of why family channels are the worst thing in the world due to exploitations. But anyways.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Enes Batur: The Copycat Stealer

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There's going to be some translation for some sections of the post.

There's a known difference between coming up with new ideas for content and just straight up stealing content from other YouTuber's. Some might go on to say that it was an inspiration from the other creators, but most people will be able to tell if it's just a straight copycat from one another. Not only that, but most of them don't even seem to care and will continue until they get called out for it. Well today is just that as we are talking about Enes Batur; a Turkish YouTuber who at the time made music and eventually jumped on the trends like everyone else, but was caught stealing and copying other YouTuber's layouts, flagging channels, breaking the ToS and YouTube still puts him in the spotlight as the most subscribed channel.

Monday, November 7, 2022

MrDweller: The Unfunny Dead Meme Channel

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Keep in mind I'm going to say meme a lot in this post.

Memes are everywhere, especially when they first blew up in the 2010s of pure nostalgia. Memes come and go and when old memes become stale and dead, then new ones come out of the shadows and become fresh (for a specific length of time). To me I'm sick and tired of all these meme-based channels popping up in my inbox since I don't watch them nor subscribe to them. That is until I found one of the worst meme-based channels out there and for this I give you MrDweller; a meme-based channel that came into light pretty recently (about 7 months ago) but has been caught under fire for making some of the most unfunny memes of all time. It's the exact problem with modern day memes.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Alexia Marano: Content Just as Dumb as ImJayStation

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We all knew this was coming anytime soon. It has been roughly 4 months since I've last covered the JayStation post. For those that don't know, the JayStation post was the first YouTuber post I talked about here when this blog was brand new. I would recommend checking that post out first before you read this one. You'll see what I mean once you read through it. Anyways we are talking about Alexia Marano; a YouTuber that was once the girlfriend of JayStation, but ever since her departure from Dream Team and all of the channels associated with JayStaion it has become a downhill spiral with the current state of her channel. It's all just non-stop cringe and clickbait and it's disgusting.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

TheThings: Clickbait at Its Finest

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Due to YouTube's new layout change in the 'videos' tab. I can't be certain to scroll and find the first video everytime. For more info, click here.

Maybe it's just me but I despise critics (most notoriously in the movie industry). They either don't add anything to the table or just come up with a narrative to talk shit about great movies. In general, I also hate channels that are literally company based just like the ones that talk about movies, drama and other things. It's disgusting and also fucking broken by design. I'm not making any sense at all with this. Today we are talking about something completely generic and that is TheThings; a channel that makes movie and TV related content, but also brainwashes people into thinking that something happened in a movie or a series when that's not the case.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Luke TheNotable: Pulling the Fine Bros Move

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This one is another interesting YouTuber to talk about. I've chosen a ton of Minecraft related YouTuber's recently. Why? Because there an easy target to go after and there's a ton of them. Minecraft YouTuber's today in general suck compared to what they were back then and it's sad. But anyways today we are going to talk about Luke TheNotable; a Minecraft YouTuber that makes content related to the 100 days in [blank], 100 drops and Minecraft Hardcore, but came under hot water about a year ago when he tried pulling The Fine Bros move in terms of tradmarking something he doesn't own. Also, DMing and threatening other content creators in legal action.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ifunny: What's on It Isn't Funny

Well, here's something interesting (first post in November). I haven't talked about a website since my return to this blogspot. I've discussed a few websites in particular including TheTopTens, Imgur and the troll site ViralHog. If you haven't seen those posts, I would recommend checking them out. But anyways, in today's post we are discussing Ifunny; an image sharing website but also an application that people post meme's, funny images, gifs and several other things, but has been a mixbag due to heavy swearing, porn images (even though it's shown they're against it in their terms of service), solicitation and copyright. Most of all, the community is nothing but garbage (probably worse than Imgur).

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Noob Robot: The Bezba Clone [Halloween Special #2]

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Looks like I found another one of those channels that does Minecraft content but still at an all new low once again. Back in August, I talked about a YouTuber that does similar content to this channel called Bezba. Although Bezba produces more terrible content than this channel but it's not saying much. Anyways for another Halloween Special (the second one), today we have Noob Robot; a Minecraft "Content Creator" that makes Minecraft videos among other things but has been making some of the worst content known to man. Plus, this channel has been around a lot longer than Bezba has so it's nothing special. Hopefully I can finish this by the end of October in time.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Entity Mays: The Disgusting Predator [Halloween Special]

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I figured I should start off by saying Happy Halloween Everyone and today we are going to be talking about another YouTube predator. I've talked about several predators here on this blog including Cryaotic and Khord Kitty. If you haven't seen those posts yet, I would recommend checking them out. But anyways today we are talking about Entity Mays; a Pokemon YouTuber that does Pokemon related content including some reactions to the episodes but has also been caught in line into being a predator to minors as well as harassing them. This is also a guy that i've never heard of until today. Plus, this guy looks like a wannabe Ed Sheeran but even more pathetic. Anyways.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Eugenia Cooney: The Girl, That's Killing Herself of Starvation

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This is going to be a quick post and pretty straightforward because even if this person see's this, she's going to think I'm being mean spirited all because she needs professional help. But anyways, having some serious illness, disease or any sort of condition can be dangerous and life threatening (no shit) but when you're filming yourself, people will start to take notice and thus causing an uproar of why those people need help in general. For this post I give you Eugenia Cooney; a YouTuber/Cosplayer that is severely underweight without ever realizing it. Plus, the fact that she can still walk is absolutely shocking. She'll definitely ignore all of the criticism that comes her way.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Full Update on The Pink Sauce Drama

This post has been updated: Click Here.

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse from here on out, well then, you're wrong. Today we are talking about The Pink Sauce once again but this time it's a full update on what's going on with Chef Pii (the creator of The Pink Sauce). For those that need context or a quick recap, I did a post called 'The Pink Sauce Drama' back in August of 2022. It was essentially Pii defending her product and her claims. The product is not FDA approved as well as the ingredients and for the people who received their Pink Sauce ended up with exploded bottles due to high heat and non-insulated bags. If you want to see that post, I recommend checking it out first before going any further.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

HowtoBasic: The Food Waster

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You've probably noticed here on this blog that every single image appeared dead and that's because I accidentally deleted the whole gallery of images there. So, I spent a day in a half re-uploading all of the images and hopefully all of them should be back up and running. What happens when you combine 'How-To's' with foodwasting? Simple, you get terrible content. Anyways for today's post we are talking about HowtoBasic; A YouTuber that started making How-To videos at the beginning, but apparently likes to make a mess all over his kitchen and having to clean up afterwards. All that counts for is pure entertainment for most people and it sucks in the longrun.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Coolcatfunhouse: Down the Abyss We Go

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I was originally going to upload this post, but around the time when I got locked out of this account it had to be scrapped and cancelled so I'm making this post again for the second time. I might as well talk about this guy since he still uploads content like there's no tomorrow. For today's post we are going to be talking about coolcatfunhouse; a "YouTuber" who makes movies as well as books based on his mascot Cool Cat (as the name implies), but has been exploiting people for the misleading advice, gives out false Copyright Strikes to YouTuber's to talk bad about him and was also arrested for having a firearm. He also supports NFTs so it's not really a surprise.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

ImFakeStation: Clones That Keep on Cloning

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There's quite a bit of swearing in this so you've been warned.

Apparently were back on the topic of 3AM Challenge videos as if the cycle is never going to stop anytime soon. The fucked-up thing about it is that they tend to break the guidelines one after the next after the next and YouTube is not giving a flying fuck doing nothing. I've talked about a few of those YouTuber's. One of them was N&A Productions and the other one on ImJayStation (check them out if you're interested). But today we are talking about another clone that does the same thing as ImJayStation and that is ImFakeStation; a clone channel that literally tries to copy ImJayStation in terms of 3AM Challenges and death exploitations, but equally as worst as him.

Monday, October 10, 2022

The Khord Kitty Drama

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We're also still waiting for his bogus response to prove everyone wrong.

It doesn't come to a surprise that when any sort of drama is brought to the surface, it's mostly in communities that are known to have a vague history like the furry community and the Brony Community as an example. A lot of times, no one doesn't think much of it until one person on social media calls them out. No matter how bad the situation is, those people are going to get away with it and will always try to avoid the police or jail time at all costs. Well today we are talking about Khord Kitty; a furry who goes to conventions and tries to be slick about it, but was also called out for transphobic racist remarks, labeled as a pedophile/zoophile and was booed onstage at a convention called Biggest Little Fur Con (BLFC). This is also some pretty damn recent drama.

Braso: Milking Someone For Clout

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With the day in age of people on YouTube, most of the content they produce can either be good, bad or even outright terrible. There's a lot of people who would milk a game so hardcore that the state of the content would get stale after a while. The same applies with a game like Minecraft (which is what I've talked about since the last few months with The Awful PNG Tuber's), which there's ton of content from the channels who produce them. This also leads to the same stale repeat of videos and it's not a good thing. Well today we're talking about something different. We are talking about Braso; a Minecraft YouTuber that has come into being pretty recently but was also another YouTuber that milked Technoblade's death for views and clout.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

ViralHog: The Troll Company For Stealing Content

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There are times when you make a video with the hopes of it going viral someday, but it really doesn't get that much attention because nowadays, they're a lot of videos like the ones done so many times, making yours fail in comparison. What would it be like if it weren't for ad revenue and making money off of YouTube videos? Most of these companies may be able to help you but most of them come with very strict consequences and for this we have ViralHog; a company that helps boost your ratings and income for videos in licensing rights but was involved in some pretty hefty copyright strike abuse, making them very defensive for their actions. The company is still going to this day, but they really haven't learned their lesson.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Imgur: Another Outdated Site

Depending upon how you look at it, social media sites are everywhere. The most popular ones that I can point out are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok while the one that's obscure but obsolete is MySpace. Most of these platforms will have a huge impact and a huge following whereas others might end up falling into the abyss. MySpace did have a following but fell through after the release of Facebook and Twitter. It depends on the competition. For today's post we are talking about Imgur; an obscure sharing site for gifs, images, videos and memes, but does it in the worst way possible as most of these are extremely dated. Plus, many of the memes aren't any good.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Long Time no See (Please Read)

Hello there,

It has been quite a while since I've last posted anything. Last time I ever posted was back in the middle of August with the Cryaotic post. The reason for the inactivity was because I totally forgot about the recovery email and was a big screw up on my part. Since then, I created another account and transferred most of the posts here on this blog (using a simple copy and paste method) into Google Sites under the same name: Worst YouTuber Segment.

I mean sure, it was much lower in quality since the New Google Sites is still terribly lacking in terms of new features (like the ability to add comments and tags), but it was the only thing I had to make do with it (originally going to switch to something like WordPress). Unfortunately, I have been locked out of that account as well. This time, Google thinks that I'm violating their policy when that's not the case. While I'm waiting for an appeal, I have some good news.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Cryaotic: You Just Had to Go There

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So originally, I was going to do a post on Mini Ladd (a.k.a Craig Thompson), but that will be another time since Craig returned to YouTube and he still has fans trying to defend him. Anyways we'll have a creator in mind that we haven't seen in a while and are curious to see if they're still active. Then when we go to their channels, we will see that they fucked up in the worst way possible. For this we have Cryaotic; a gaming YouTuber that would play games with friends but goes solo most of the time and he was called out in 2020 for sexual allegations. Also trying to address the situation in a non-apology video and a non-apology statement. But anyways.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Bezba: Minecraft Content at an All New Low

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Boy let me tell you I haven't brought up any Minecraft related content since the time I talked about JellyBean and the awful Minecraft PNGTuber Clones. Well today we are back once again but this time I think I found the worst content creator yet, mostly in the Minecraft Community and that is Bezba (channel name is Bezba - Noob), who started very recently and jumped onto the Minecraft content bandwagon. This is also another short post since his history is very recent and there's not much information about this user. It's not the only short post that I've done in fact, I did a post on Foodistzen who was excited for the death of Technoblade. If you're interested check it out.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Foodistzen: A Troll Laughing at Technoblade's Death [UPDATE #3: February 13, 2023]

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A lot of times it can be hard for me to make posts on the bad YouTuber's because well there's a lot of them and it's hard for me to choose one. Anything that I find obscure (like channels that I've never heard of before) and terrible will also be put on the list. That is if they have so many layers of controversy surrounding them. For today's short post we are talking about Foodistzen; a terrible troll (living underneath the bridge) who tries to destroy other people's channels or careers just by straight up lying but fails horribly. He also resorts to laughing at people's deaths for big buku bucks. What I usually do talking about a brief history on YouTuber posts, I'm not going to do that today because his channel was originally terminated but was brought back again in the worst way imaginable. The oldest channel of his I found was way back in 2019.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Pink Sauce Drama [UPDATE: October 3, 2022]

This post has been updated: Click Here.

TikTok, one of the biggest and yet the most cringeworthy platforms of all time. If you ever thought that the other social medias are bad, well TikTok takes the lead for being the worst. This is the first time that I've ever done anything that is TikTok related, so buckle up you're in for a treat. Anyways trends come and go, no matter how you look at it. Trends are usually the worst thing now as most of them can do more harm than it does ever being good. It depends on how stupid the person acts and for this we give you The Pink Sauce. Let me tell you that there isn't anything good on TikTok and I still think that it's a cringeworthy platform, let alone your personal information exposed by the masses.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

TheTopTens: An Outdated Site for Entitled People

Site Layout From 2013-2014

This post is old and was made back on July 14, 2022

Often times I do take a break from making YouTuber based posts and switch the content around and make something where I talk about websites (mostly the bad ones in general because there more entertaining). For this website were going to talk about today is called TheTopTens, a list-based website (made before Tierlists or TierMaker) where anyone can make a Top 10 list, make honorable/dishonorable mentions and even voice one's opinion by writing comments under each item. Unfortunately, after 2014 rolled around and came 2015, the site became one of the most toxic websites to visit and you couldn't voice your own opinion. Well talk about that later on in the post.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Free Fur All: A Furry Convention Disaster [UPDATE: August 9, 2022]

Changed the logo since the other one has been removed.
This post has been updated into a separate post: Click Here.

Usually when you go to Conventions or Cons, you think of a fun yet exciting place to meet your favorite creators or celebrities. For most people, some conventions are better than others. It all depends on who's attending, the amount of money they raise and what creator/celebrity is going to be there. Most conventions tend to fall apart after a certain number of years, but that isn't the case for Free Fur All: A Furry based Convention that turned out to be its own DashCon (a con for Tumblr people) and a huge failure in a lot of the community's eyes. I've done a few furry related posts here on this blog. The first one being LupisVulpes and the other one is GaroShadowscale. If you haven't seen those posts, I recommend you check them out. I also want to point out that I'm NOT a furry. I like to report on drama regardless of what community it's from. I also hate talking about politics, I would rather talk about YouTuber related content instead. This convention is so bad that it needs to be talked about. This is also another great start for the month of August.

Monday, August 1, 2022

TheFineBros: We All Know What Happened

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Well, we all know where this is going to kick off the start of August. Reaction videos and reaction channels have been around for quite some time now and is continuing to grow in massive amounts. It's very sad that once one thing comes around, everyone does it so their super observant. Most of them are very self-entitled (for the ones that I've seen at least) but others are quite genuine. That really isn't the case for TheFineBros. You can tell from the stern look on their faces that it really wasn't going to end well with the community going after them for one big mistake. Literally TheFineBros is considered to be one of the worst channels of all time and with it, that shows.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

GameToons: Cringy Content That's Stuck in 2020

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
This post is outdated and a couple of weeks old. Created on July 10, 2022

I've talked about animation in one other post here on this blog. The Animation/Art Community can be a great place and sometimes a terrible place. Once again it all depends on which creator/artist you view or watch. Anyways I really didn't have anything else to start with but today we are talking about GameToons: a video game animator in the animation community that mostly got popular for the Among Us trend and has a little over 4M subscribers. Thats basically what happens when a popular trend comes, people enjoy it and after a while it will become stale. Apparently, that's really not the case for GameToons as his content is literally the same thing.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

GaroShadowscale: The Entitled Money Hogging Parasite

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
I also want to apologize if I left some things out of the post. If you have something for me to add, please put it in the comment section.

Let me be the first to say that I never talk about furries often here on this blog. The reason for this is well, there's a ton of them and would be long and boring if I talked about the topic for an extended period. The last furry related post I did was on LupisVulpes who was notorious for being transphobic. If you haven't seen that post, I recommend you check it out. Well today we are talking about another Furry but this time he has his own cult, his Patreon prices are ridiculously overpriced, his discord rules are strict and stalks users who follow him around and for this I give you GaroShadowscale. For some reason the drama for him keeps on building constantly and everyone has been catching on that this guy is a mentally ill patient with no morals or friends. He's essentially a dictator.

Monday, July 18, 2022

The Total Failure of N&A Productions

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
The information in this post is probably old and outdated. Created on July 12, 2022

Boy let me tell you, this new generation of YouTube is by far the most awful thing on the internet. Especially when newer YouTuber's are starting out, the best ones get buried by the worst ones and it starts to question on whether or not they're still relevant. Just like with any YouTuber, most of them copy each other's content. A primary example of this is how they closely mimic their content, and for this I give you N&A Productions. Considered to be a decent but not a large channel with over 3M subscribers, Amir Fotoohi (his actual name) is one of the other channels that jumped onto the 3AM challenge trend, when in reality it's a terrible trend. I really don't understand it to say the least. This is also a guy that uses fidget spinners in the year of 2020 when the trend basically died at the end of 2017.

Sernando: King of GTA Clickbait (ft. Clones)

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It's really not a surprise when a YouTuber clickbaits all the time and when they do, they become problematic. For the general audience such as you and me, we really hate it so much. It's such a shame that throughout the past few years or so that's basically what it has come down to, not one person but multiple people jump onto the bandwagon. Especially when they claim that they have an early copy of a 'new game' when it's completely false. For this we have Sernando (originally called Sernandoe): one of the infamous yet terrible GTA clickbaiters out there and quite frankly the worst one. Or just about as bad as the other GTA clickbaiters that are still producing the same exact content to this day and nothing else.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

JellyBean And the Awful Clones

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The worst part about the terrible side of YouTube is the trends. For many, trends come and go but most of them stick around until they eventually die down. For a lot of people including myself who grew up in the early days of YouTube without any problem whatsoever, there comes a time where something becomes big enough to blow up on YouTube and we already know that it's going to become bad. Others will jump onto the same trend to create their own version, thus making it far worse than what it actually is. JellyBean is the primary example of when things go completely wrong on her end and therefor the general audience turns against her with a reason. It's a lot of things a PNGTuber can't take lightly and creating their own narrative to cover things up. I may be exaggerating on that one, but it could happen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

LupisVulpes: Whatever Happened to Her?

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

The art community can be a great place and sometimes a bad place for most people. We will have a favorite artist that we all enjoy and then all of a sudden, the hopes and dreams will come crashing down. I've seen it happen usually with the artist ranting channels but not often. It's also hard to determine which artist is trustworthy and which ones are not. It all has to do with the actions they've done recently or ones in the past and for that I give you LupisVulpes, a furry artist that is known for destroying her career with just a few words in Discord messages. After the whole debacle with her being Transphobic and Racist during the BLM Movement, she's vanished off of the internet. I also forgot to mention that she's a Christian so she can't draw anything based in the LGBTQ Community on her beliefs. The question is whatever happened to her? Did she disappear entirely off the internet for good? We'll talk more about that a little later. For those that don't know who she is, I'll give you a rundown.