Monday, July 18, 2022

Sernando: King of GTA Clickbait (ft. Clones)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

It's really not a surprise when a YouTuber clickbaits all the time and when they do, they become problematic. For the general audience such as you and me, we really hate it so much. It's such a shame that throughout the past few years or so that's basically what it has come down to, not one person but multiple people jump onto the bandwagon. Especially when they claim that they have an early copy of a 'new game' when it's completely false. For this we have Sernando (originally called Sernandoe): one of the infamous yet terrible GTA clickbaiters out there and quite frankly the worst one. Or just about as bad as the other GTA clickbaiters that are still producing the same exact content to this day and nothing else.

Sernando (also known as Jean Sernandoe) started his account on May 16, 2013. This was way before Grand Theft Auto 5 about 4 months apart. 3 days after the game was release (September 20, 2013) is when he uploaded his first video. The video is basically gameplay and Jean playing through some missions such as the Bank Robbery and the Cop Chase. From here on out, he would continue to make GTA5 content making stupid videos like how to play flappy birds in GTA 5 and others like an Alien Easter Egg, Hipster DLC Update, Unlimited Money Glitch and GTA 5 Online Discounts. Something along the lines of those titles that would appeal for the general audience and for those that love/hate the game. He would also continue to grow his channel up to the point where GTA 5 community also continue to grow more and more and more. He also does Fortnite but that's not what were talking about.

Fake Videos / GTA 6 / Countless Lying / Failed Return to YouTube:

So, we finally get to the meat and the bones for this because it gets really terrible from here on out. As you can tell from the title of this post, Jean Sernando clickbaits. Now I'm not talking about a little bit of clickbait, I'm talking about next level clickbait. It's the primary reason why most of his videos have a huge amount of downvotes and the toxic audience who supports him will come after us saying 'Your just jealous'. Trust me when I say I've seen this in countless clickbait videos.

Allow me to summarize as to what I mean by lying to the users. An example of this is you have Sernando who claims to have a "Copy" or an "Early Copy" of Grand Theft Auto 6 and when searching it up on Google or any other search engine to see if it's real, it is not. In fact, it doesn't exist because Rockstar Games haven't made it. In the screenshots above I've included some videos that were related to GTA 6 including the like/dislike ratio and also the dates. Most people suspected that it was an April fool's joke (and one of the videos say it was posted on April fool's) however it's not. The timelines go all the way back into late 2016 with Sernando begging Rockstar Games bribing them to give him something that doesn't exist, or will never exist who knows? Everyone in the YouTube community caught onto this including Bills, Dj Cook, SWEGTA, DesirousKnave and so many others to call him out on his bullshit.

Sernando also does fake giveaways with his blessing cards. If there's one thing that I learned is that never trust giveaways from YouTuber's. Even if they're legit, it's best to not trust them still. Anyways most of his fake giveaways were so bad that a YouTuber called GreatnessTV summed it up. He also has a whole playlist if you want to see it.

I will say that even though he is a terrible YouTuber and the stuff he gets away with, it's terrible for people to send him death threats. Nobody should go through something like that even if you hate the person to death. It's horrible that he got sent death threats and it shouldn't have happened. Unfortunately, the turn of events for him remains the same. On April 23, 2022, he uploaded a video titled "Moving On..." In the video he explains that he wasn't happy, and he couldn't bring up the problems he had 2 years ago since YouTube was his full time. He also claims that a lot has change, not the same person as what he used to be, and his interests has change.

Keep in mind that the Moving On video was made back near the ending of April 2022 (April 23 to be exact) but apparently the so-called change of interest thing was totally out the window. The video shown above was made back on June 17, 2022, and it's titled "I Busted 100 Myths in GTA 5" where he busts 100 myths that are in GTA 5. You can tell that he wasn't even trying and the problem with this video is that a lot of the clips that he uses are probably stolen without credit. I don't have the evidence to back these claims. At the time I'm making this post, the video has 10k likes to over 60k dislikes and still continues to pop out GTA 5 content as well as some GTA 4 content like this one. I mean it's very sad when you think about it. I also forgot to mention that he hid his subscriber count so it's not surprising in the least bit. Well let's move onto the other Clickbait GTA 5 Channels because there's quite a few:


Considered to be the second highest clickbait GTA 5 channel that's behind Sernando, NoughtPointFourLive (really rolls right off the tongue) also known as Fredrick Alexander Pye is also notorious for clickbaiting a lot and scamming the audience. What I mean by that is shown in the screenshot above goes back from late 2016 into early 2017. You can tell that he likes to reuse the same 2 yellow arrows in each video along with a red ring, and it goes to show that it's pure laziness in a nutshell. Don't believe me, SWEGTA summed him up in one video. He still does clickbait but tries to follow the trend that is on the frontpage of YouTube. Doing what all he can to make a simple dollar.


Let me tell you something, I haven't heard from this guy in ages and thought what he was up to these days in the world of clickbait. Sadly, he's still doing it on his twitter account. LipsyJimmy was originally called UnitedGamerz4545 but switched it because he thought he wasn't cool enought. Lipsy was also notorious in the clickbait GTA 5 community for a while but then just like NoughtPointFourLive, switched to the Fortnite community. The list of videos that he has are close or similar to Nought just by the search term GTA. He was accused of clickbaiting too much. SunnyV2 went on to talk about his deserved downfall. It was mainly his fake giveaways of free V Bucks.


Thankfully I wanted to save the best for last. There's more GTA 5 clickbait YouTuber's out there but I wanted to focus on the main ones. James Ross Hudgins formerly known as MrBossFTW is known for being deceptive and dishonest for the content that he shows in his videos. He also got into the GTA 6 bandwagon with his most recent video being about a couple of weeks ago. I saved him for last because during the pandemic, Ned Luke and Shawn Fonteno the guys that voiced Michael and Franklin in GTA 5 did a livestream to talk about various topics including clickbait. Ned responds to a question made by a user and pokes fun at MrBossFTW. The response from Ned was funny and yet MrBoss made an overly pathetic response video (this is not the video because it's been deleted). It's funny how MrBoss turns a 5 second clip into a 10-minute video.

Images & Sources:

Other GTA 5 Clickbait Channel Sources:

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