Saturday, December 10, 2022

Beluga: The Annoying Unfunny YouTuber

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Most YouTuber's can be funny while others can't. It's probably because of the style of content and also the target audience. I've seen people defend YouTuber's who think their funny, but they aren't. I've said this before in some other post I did but most of the good YouTuber's are buried by the terrible ones and for this I give you Beluga, a guy who got popular by posting Discord related videos, thinks he's funny when he's not and post mostly the same thing over and over and over again and nothing else. It also gets to the point of being completely stale after a while. Please keep in mind that this guy is still currently active on the main channel rather than the other.

Anyways Beluga (also known as ExploreTV or Explore Lucid Dreaming) started his account on January 27, 2017. Long before his main channel blew up, he had another channel titled "Explore Lucid Dreaming" which was created on September 30, 2017, and was the channel was focused on talking about things related to dreams. There were no videos on that channel until January 5, 2019, when the first video titled "How To Lucid Dream In 5 Steps (WILD Tutorial)" was released. He would upload dream related content and the content itself was pretty straightforward and solid at the time. The channel is still ongoing but not as frequent as the main channel. Speaking of the main channel, he uploaded his first video on February 26, 2021, titled "It's Mathematically Unlikely You Will Watch This" which was something out of the ordinary. He would start uploading videos related to Discord as well as other videos, but it's mostly just Discord videos.

Why He's Unfunny:

Style of Content / Thinks He's Funny:

I'm not going to talk about the situation regarding to the Dream controversy because there's nothing to really discuss on the subject. Instead, we're going talk about why he's unfunny and also considered to be the most overrated/unfunny YouTuber of all time. First up we have the style of content. Now when I say he makes videos related to Discord, I really mean it because that's what all the guy does. Not all the time though as there would occasionally be a video that's out of the blue, but it's the general content structure for his channel. It garners him millions of views per channel and it's fucking disgusting as a whole. He also thinks that his videos are funny when they're not. I also forgot to mention that he also appears in the YouTube recommendations as well as the frontpage of YouTube so it's not surprising to say the least. It's also strange that he moves from decent yet enjoyable content to terrible and unfunny content.

No one really hasn't been talking about this guy since he's cringe and no one else sees it except for a few. YouTubers like EnricoDev, Maxbtshow, SlappedOnion and CatNemy made videos on this guy and how he's annoying and unfunny. Most of the time the content is on a vicious cycle, and it repeats the same content structure over and over and over again to the point where it gets repetitive. The only thing that keeps him running is the 12-year old's who watch him. He is also the few people to break the YouTube system as explained in this video and YouTube just simply didn't give a shit about it. He was also discussed on Reddit and how people dislike the content he's putting out, essentially saying the same thing on what I'm saying. The only thing that's still beneficial (for the most part) is the ExploreLucidDreaming channel. If he would've kept going on that channel rather than his main, then he would've stuck with good content. Unfortunately, it isn't going to change anytime soon. Really there's not much to talk about this guy and that's that.

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