Monday, July 18, 2022

The Total Failure of N&A Productions

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
The information in this post is probably old and outdated. Created on July 12, 2022

Boy let me tell you, this new generation of YouTube is by far the most awful thing on the internet. Especially when newer YouTuber's are starting out, the best ones get buried by the worst ones and it starts to question on whether or not they're still relevant. Just like with any YouTuber, most of them copy each other's content. A primary example of this is how they closely mimic their content, and for this I give you N&A Productions. Considered to be a decent but not a large channel with over 3M subscribers, Amir Fotoohi (his actual name) is one of the other channels that jumped onto the 3AM challenge trend, when in reality it's a terrible trend. I really don't understand it to say the least. This is also a guy that uses fidget spinners in the year of 2020 when the trend basically died at the end of 2017.

Amir Fotoohi's history began back on August 4, 2016. In September of the same year, he started off with a very important announcement to his video, where he would be making a 200-subscriber video for his channel and basically bribing his audience to make a video of their own saying congrats to N&A Productions. Not off to a good start now, is it? Anyways on November 13, 2016, he uploaded his first clickbait video titled "CALLING SANTA CLAUS!!! HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED OMG!!!" Now anyone who has brain cells knows that this is just a bunch of bullshit but the whole thing is just the beginning for him. Basically, his future was already ruined from the get-go as this was his content and calling up characters from video games, characters from tv shows/movies and so on. I'm not going to go through all of his videos, but I forgot to mention that his voice is very annoying. You literally can't listen to him for more than 5 seconds to know that he yells at the top of his lungs.

The Demise:

I really wasn't going to talk about him since it was another 3AM Challenge video channel but after what I saw from him, it needs to be said because there's quite a number of videos talking about Amir. For starters we have him still using fidget spinners in 2020. I am not kidding when I say it, hell just look at the video (image) above and prove me wrong and also look at the like to dislike ratio. That really wasn't the biggest part of his demise. So, what has caused the dislike ratio to be high like that? Well back in 2018, a channel called Memeulous made a video exposing Amir for misleading his video titles and thumbnails. Memeulous also goes on to talk about the fidget spinners Amir uses in his video and translates it to more watch time and for people to like the video. Amir also tried to use Lil Pumps name (the title of the Memeulous video is called "Kid Plays Fortnite with Lil Pump") in the video but nowhere to be found. So, it's very clear that the whole Lil Pump thing was never real to begin with and obviously staged it.

On May 16, 2018, Memeulous makes another video on Amir (title of the video called "Why Are These Videos Still a Thing") basically giving another rundown about the fake calling characters at 3AM. He also goes on to show what Amir did to his body, including shaving the side of his head labeled 'Esketit' and also getting a tattoo of Logan Paul's 'Savage'. Memeulous goes on to explain Amir's 'Thanos Video' where the intro was long and basically summing up the problems. Amir also repeats everything on a loop including the scripts he has off camera. This really wasn't the end for Amir as his content started to come out more frequent and the dislikes grew more and more. Even the comments for each of his videos are pretty damn funny.

So, what has Amir been doing in 2022? Well, he's still sticking with the same content and the same formula. The two videos shown above in screenshots are the most recent videos (May of 2022) and he still does 3AM challenge videos to this very day as if it's not a dying trend. You can also see the like to dislike ratio being high in terms of dislikes. It's also pretty sad for him to continue doing this and straight up lying to his audience instead of changing his format or changing his content. I also forgot to mention, MoistCr1TiKaL uploaded a video titled "The Worst YouTuber" and talked about Amir about his fake giveaways back on July 31, 2018. It goes to show that he's failing hardcore.

Images & Sources:

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