Thursday, August 11, 2022

Foodistzen: A Troll Laughing at Technoblade's Death [UPDATE #3: February 13, 2023]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

A lot of times it can be hard for me to make posts on the bad YouTuber's because well there's a lot of them and it's hard for me to choose one. Anything that I find obscure (like channels that I've never heard of before) and terrible will also be put on the list. That is if they have so many layers of controversy surrounding them. For today's short post we are talking about Foodistzen; a terrible troll (living underneath the bridge) who tries to destroy other people's channels or careers just by straight up lying but fails horribly. He also resorts to laughing at people's deaths for big buku bucks. What I usually do talking about a brief history on YouTuber posts, I'm not going to do that today because his channel was originally terminated but was brought back again in the worst way imaginable. The oldest channel of his I found was way back in 2019.

The Deserved Yet Terrible Fall:

Celebrating Technoblade's Death / Technoblade's Not Dead Video:

Do I even need to say it? So, for those that don't know I'll give you a short background, back on August 27, 2021, Technoblade made a video where he explained that he was diagnosed with sarcoma in the arm (which caused swelling) and in December of the same year, he had surgery and was going into recovery successfully. Unfortunately, on June 30, 2022, he uploaded his last and final video 'so long nerds' and passed away, leaving a message for his dad to read to everyone.

After the passing of Technoblade, you'll have dipshits trying to exploit his death for views and Foodistzen is one of them. The first video is him basically jumping for excitement about Technoblade being dead and not long after made another video claiming that Technoblade isn't dead. As expected, both videos received a huge amount of backlash to where DJ Cook, GreazyCheezy, Hades, Slaqin and Twisted Shuriken made videos on this guy. There also channels that made videos long before that including GriffinPerrotts, BusterLIVE, AugustTheDuck and many others. After the videos took place, Foodistzen became silent, and no one has heard from him. My guess is that he's planning the next video he posts that will be complete damage control. Oh, wait he already has, and this guy should be terminated because of it. One other thing that I forgot to mention is that this guy has alt accounts and they'll be in the sources down below.

UPDATE: October 3, 2022:

Were back with the first update on this guy. This is not the first video I've shown. In fact, he's got several others on his existing channel along with his other channels. When the Minecraft cheating speedrunner Dream showed his face, Foodistzen decided to create another fake video on him, and it was so poorly done. Not to mention that this is the same guy who jumped for excitement on the death of Technoblade.

UPDATE: October 10, 2022:

This is a quick update. I know for a fact that Foodistzen deleted or privated all of his videos that were related to Technoblade (which are shown above). In the meantime, I will try and find the videos in the archives.

UPDATE: February 13, 2023:

So this is another quick update on this guy and it has been a while. All of his channels have been terminated for violating YouTube's terms of service on December 30 (one day before new years eve). The good news is that several people had reuploaded some of the videos that he made shitting on Technoblade. It goes to show his true colors.

Images & Sources:

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