Thursday, October 20, 2022

HowtoBasic: The Food Waster

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

You've probably noticed here on this blog that every single image appeared dead and that's because I accidentally deleted the whole gallery of images there. So, I spent a day in a half re-uploading all of the images and hopefully all of them should be back up and running. What happens when you combine 'How-To's' with foodwasting? Simple, you get terrible content. Anyways for today's post we are talking about HowtoBasic; A YouTuber that started making How-To videos at the beginning, but apparently likes to make a mess all over his kitchen and having to clean up afterwards. All that counts for is pure entertainment for most people and it sucks in the longrun.

HowtoBasic (I can't really figure out what the actual guy's name is) started his account on December 8, 2011, and the first video titled "How To Pick Up a Umbrella" was uploaded to the channel on the same day. He would make simple How-To videos like How to Fold a Sock, How To Use the Soap Dispenser, How to Pour a Glass of Water you know, basic things that someone else can do. The first video that he did when he featured the first egg on his channel was on April 17, 2012. During this time, he was slowly changing his content around and started making crazy videos that had nothing to do with the How-To videos he was doing prior. By the time that the fall of 2012 rolled around is when things were getting crazy. The few videos on his channel like How To Play The Ukulele and How To Make Eggnog are some of the prime examples.

The Fall:

Food Wasting / Termination but Reinstated:

For most people, we like to make any sort of food or food dish and sometimes we would try other people's creations/recipes. With HowtoBasic however is the complete opposite to that. Instead, he'll clickbait the user thinking that something is legit but in reality it's another way of being the biggest food waster. I'm not kidding when I say it, I mean he still does it to this very day and in age of food shortages, he's not going to have anything left to destroy or ruin. Oh I also forgot to mention is that he uses too many eggs in so many videos. That's pretty much all I can say about it. I will never understand why so many people watch him.

One last thing before I finish this (there really wasn't much to talk about on this guy because it's nothing new or special). Apparently back in 2014, he was terminated for a short period before it was reinstated the next day. A year later it happened again on December 2, 2015. However, the second account wasn't terminated but was blocked from making videos from there.

Images & Sources:

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