Sunday, October 30, 2022

Noob Robot: The Bezba Clone [Halloween Special #2]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Looks like I found another one of those channels that does Minecraft content but still at an all new low once again. Back in August, I talked about a YouTuber that does similar content to this channel called Bezba. Although Bezba produces more terrible content than this channel but it's not saying much. Anyways for another Halloween Special (the second one), today we have Noob Robot; a Minecraft "Content Creator" that makes Minecraft videos among other things but has been making some of the worst content known to man. Plus, this channel has been around a lot longer than Bezba has so it's nothing special. Hopefully I can finish this by the end of October in time.

Why He's Bad:

Clickbait Titles and Thumbnails:

Very obvious that this guy clickbaits. It's not just the reason why I put him on the list for bad content, it's because of the presentation and the format he follows. There's a format that people have been using for so many years which is the Noob vs Pro vs Hacker, sort of thing and it's essentially another way to lure in people. It's fucking broken by design and also disgusting at the same time. The guy doesn't even try to come up with unique content, it's the same shit over and over and over again to the point of it being so stale. A lot of the thumbnails are flat out garbage. Many of the videos shown in the images above are just copy, paste, rinse and repeat (also the thumbnails as well).

These are some of his videos pretty recently. As you can tell, he also clickbaits his audience to the point where his videos don't make any sense at all. It's just random bits with sound effects to try and make it funny when it's not. He's not as bad as Bezba but that's not saying much. To me I think that these people should be banned off of YouTube because it's stupid content like this that ruins the platform. Unfortunately, it's not going to get better anytime soon. I also forgot to mention, his channel use to be called ZombieGeorgeMinecraft at some point but changed it shortly after.

One other thing I forgot to mention is that unlike Bezba, his upload rate is once a day. He'll upload every single day to I guess earn a living on YouTube but it's not easy. Plus, this is another guilt trip to which people think his content is good but their wrong. So far that's all I have to say about this guy.

Images & Sources:

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