Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pointless: The Age of Garbage Commentary

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
This is considered to be an older post. Originally created on October 28.

Another day, another channel to basically shit on. I think I've talked about someone who was into the commentary topic and if I didn't, well this is the first time talking about a commentary channel. This type of genre sucks most of the time and it becomes the top of the list for garbage content, whether or not they have a history for doing terrible things. For today's post we have a channel called Pointless (that's what he's called); a fairly decent size commentary YouTuber in terms of the subscriber count, but very often makes clickbait videos with the very obvious yet awful thumbnails. Plus, this guy cashes in on the trend stuff and it's fucking terrible by design.

The Fall:

Massive Clickbait / The Meowbahh Situation?:

Once again, I'm not going to talk about the history on this guy because he's a newer YouTuber (started back in November of 2020) and his content is something else yet terrible at the same time. Speaking of terrible, Pointless doesn't seem to understand that what he's doing is hefty amounts of clickbait. Most specifically on one subject and that is Minecraft, That Vegan Teacher, SSSniperWolf and a few other people. He'll just pick one specific topic or even multiple topics and it's all clickbait bullshit. There's no doubt about it. I also want to mention that he also makes videos that he claims he'll delete them later but that's never the case. There's quite a number of videos regarding news and other things, but he never delete's them which is very confusing. The screenshot above is just one set of videos he does

Now in terms with him and Meowbahh, things start to get foggy as Pointless makes so many videos on this PNGTuber. I've compared two specific videos of Pointless talking about Meowbahh. On March 23, 2022, He makes a video titled "I HATE Meowbahh.." (Video shown above at the top) where he discusses on why he hates Meowbahh (pretty self-explanatory because nobody likes Meowbahh for a reason). 2 weeks later on April 6, 2022, he makes another video where he claims he's dating Meowbahh. As if the tables weren't turned enough, he goes on in the comment section claiming that it's a joke and that people didn't believe it. Mind you that Meowbahh is a guy using a voice changer to pretend he's a girl.

Several different YouTuber's like grimsy, Jadyn, ToxicDistress, Dr. Demonic, Clappedseal and Tired Cast go on to make videos on Pointless, not just because he makes terrible content but also working with Meowbahh to produce even more stupid content drama (another word for content farming). One YouTuber in particular was ZeroNeedsCoffee who called him out on Twitter several times. The first one was all about followers and the other was about the fake deleted videos. Anyways as shown in the screenshots above is a conversation back in April. Like I said it's all about followers, but essentially Pointless was wasting his time fighting against Zero and when pointless apparently showed video proof, the top result showed Meowbahh saying 'I love your videos'. So, it clearly shows enough evidence to know that both Pointless and Meowbahh were in the relationship doing content farming. It's fucking disgusting (I've said it a bunch of times).

Images & Sources:

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