Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Arin Hanson Drama

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
The history on Arin Hanson will be about his Newground origins.

For the people who grew up in the early days, I'm sure that you probably heard of this guy before what we have known today as Egoraptor. He was considered to be an animator from way before the origins of YouTube was ever created. Unfortunately, with him, he's pretty much gone off the rail in the recent years basically going after people who make fun of him over content that's supposed to be satire. With a name like Egoraptor, he's definitely got the pure ego of a child to which he can't have nice things and to blame others. I know I'm basically stretching this one but that's what we're going to talk about today with what he's done that's gotten negative attention.

In the early days, Egoraptor (formerly known as Arin Hanson) use to be an animator for a website called Newgrounds. Newgrounds was the place to play games, create artwork or concept art, watch animations or videos, listen to music and several other things. Arin created animations back in the early 2000s with the first animation titled "Metal Gear Awesome" posted back on February 23, 2006. From there he would continue to produce animations such as Awesome Center Redux, Girlchan in Paradise, Gameoverse and many others. One animation that stuck out titled "KONY2012" featured some of the voices from OneyPlays. His account remained inactive for 5 years to work on the YouTube channel, GameGrumps as well as his main channel.

The Fall:

Sr Pelo's StoryTime Parody / Twitter Drama:

This is where colossal shit hit the fan with Arin. Back on July 31, 2019, a YouTube animator by the name of Sr. Pelo posted a video both on YouTube and on Twitter (tweet status on July 30) titled "Every StoryTime Parody" (shown above). The video is essentially a satire parody of all the Storytime animated channels that have been going on for so many years. The video itself was received very well with over 598k likes. Many of the animators (or at least a few) thought that the video was great and was very funny. Of course, it's supposed to be meant as a joke. However, Arin still known as Egoraptor apparently wasn't happy when it got to his part (which he was featured in).

This is the primary example of when a person takes things out of context. It's fine if you don't like it but don't pull it as a false narrative. That's what Arin thought about this animation and tried to compare the hate of Newgrounds comments and STAs but that really wasn't the case. Sr. Pelo apologized for it when he shouldn't really. Essentially with Arin taking things out of proportions and completely out of context at the same time, many people responded to Arin's tweets including Oney saying Newgrounds made you while people like Spazkid (a.k.a Cory and one featured member of OneyPlays) and other twitter users thought that Arin was being hypocritical about the situation. Hell, there was a time when Arin was poking fun of the fanbases of Sonic (which will talk about a little bit).

Not even a day later (on August 1, 2019) after the video was posted by Sr. Pelo, Arin came out with an apology on Twitter. Essentially his "apology" was just about as bad as the people who do it on YouTube (blanket apology). Anyways many people responded to the tweet with obviously nothing good to say. He basically brought up the people (or hardcore veterans) at Newgrounds and was basically throwing them under the bus. Cory (a.k.a Spazkid) responded but was probably deleted:

"Great apology Arin, gotta devend that brand, can't actually say sorry to anyone but yourself. Whatever man, I hope you enjoy perpetually walking on eggshells with a fanbase who would just as easily throw you undet a bus (like you did newgrounds). 🙄"

The whole drama got the attention to several YouTuber's to talk about it including Bowblax and LD Entertainment.

This really wasn't the first time that he was lying and bullshitting about the history of Newground users. Back in November of 2011, there was an animation called TOME. Chris Niosi formerly known as Kirbopher produced the animation. This is the primary example of when Arin makes fun of fanbases and I really don't know if this is his comment on the video but it's basically him shitting on it when the animation itself was a complete success. He even goes so far to insult the people in the sonic fandom which is fucked up to say the least.

Images & Sources:

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