Monday, October 24, 2022

Eugenia Cooney: The Girl, That's Killing Herself of Starvation

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

This is going to be a quick post and pretty straightforward because even if this person see's this, she's going to think I'm being mean spirited all because she needs professional help. But anyways, having some serious illness, disease or any sort of condition can be dangerous and life threatening (no shit) but when you're filming yourself, people will start to take notice and thus causing an uproar of why those people need help in general. For this post I give you Eugenia Cooney; a YouTuber/Cosplayer that is severely underweight without ever realizing it. Plus, the fact that she can still walk is absolutely shocking. She'll definitely ignore all of the criticism that comes her way.

The Big Fall:

Massively Underweight / Ignoring Criticism / Negativity & Neglectful Mother:

The first thing you need to know about Eugenia is the fact that she's really underweight. Based on, she weighs 86 pounds (or 39 kilograms) which is way too malnourished. The video screenshots shown above is from what she looked like back in 2013 to today. She looked somewhat better and fit back then but seeing what she looks like today is very sad. She's probably going to think I'm being mean and disrespectful (if she sees this post) but she definitely needs help. That is also another thing is that she just ignores the comments about her weight and that those people are being mean or mean spirited towards her. The Saddest thing is that she's just not seeing it. Several YouTuber's such as Hotline Speaks, Of Herbs and Altars, OnyxPink, JaclynGlenn and several others to make videos on her and about her condition.

The worst part about this is that her mother is pretty much neglectful. In one video (shown above), she's smiling and being happy go lucky without ever realizing about the condition that Eugenia's in and that her daughter is dying. Most people in the comments had criticize the mother being happy and smiling. Unfortunately, there's nothing that we can do to get her help and even if we try, it's not going to work because she thinks that were mean but in reality, were not. Hopefully something will get her the help she needs but it's left to be uncertain.

Images & Sources:

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