Sunday, July 10, 2022

AceFest: An Amusement Park Disaster

So, apparently this was happening on July 9 of 2022 but then all of a sudden, it's now been a huge disaster. For those that don't know and are probably asking, what is AceFest? Well, AceFest is basically an amusement park put together by The Ace Family. I've talked about The Ace Family a little bit in a previous post titled 'Vlogs Are Old and Dated/Why Family Channels Are Terrible'. I never really talked about The Ace Family before (as I don't like family vlog channels) since there have been a number of controversies surrounding them. I'm not going to go through all of their controversies today since it would take too long to write but for now, I want to Focus on AceFest. I believe this was a one-time event and it took place at the beginning of July (July 9 to be exact) in Austin, Texas and they described the event like Disneyland Meets Cochella. Literally that's their tagline. Anyways this event promised a lot of things like a petting zoo, free food, free parking and many other things. It even displayed it on their website at some point before removing both free food and petting zoo leaving just the free rides, free games and free prizes.

The Fallout:

Well, if you were expecting something more than what they were telling us, you'd be surprised. This is the reason why you should never trust any YouTuber events even if they're legit. From all of the videos that I've seen online, the whole event was underwhelming and a complete disappointment (I'm not surprised by it). The first problem with the event is that it took place in Austin, Texas and Texas tends to get hot during the summer. Apparently, they had bathrooms but there was no air conditioning. The event was also lack luster as the minigames (to win prizes) were only selling old merch that they were basically getting rid of. On top of this, buying tickets were expensive ranging from $100 to $500 and you get a different colored bracelet based on what tier you bought. The promise of free parking was a complete lie in itself as they're charging $10 for just parking. Many of the guests didn't care so much about the rides but only care about the Meet n Greet because they were there on the day the event took place. As a result, people were mad that they didn't get what they were expecting resulted in some tweets shown below:

Wasn't even surprised that Def Noodles (one of the most hated guys on YouTube) made it there and only got an Ace Family Scarf. Now I will say that the Meet n Greet was moved from the outside (where it was over 100 degrees) of the place to the inside where it's air conditioned. So, if you wanted a photo with The Ace Family, you would have to wait 3 hours or more because the line for it is so long. The biggest lie from them is that they would remain at the event until 11pm, but they instead leave early and that's when shit hit the fan. There's so much more information behind the scenes it's hard to tell. The videos that I linked in the sources as well as the ones above are just the few that I found. Trust me there's a lot more if you search up AceFest. I really don't know if the people who went there asked for their money back, but I would imagine that there would be potential lawsuits against them. Only time will tell. Once again it didn't go planned and that reminds me. The Ace Family is known for calling out the haters when it's dumb shit like this they pull off and really, they don't think twice on whether or not if it's a good idea. It's not just the only reason for that, there's tons of reasons but that's for another time.

Images & Sources:

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