Thursday, December 1, 2022

Small Update on The GaroShadowscale Drama

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Well, it's that time once again to talk about a much smaller update on the GaroShadowscale drama since it's been a while. For those that don't know, I talked about GaroShadowscale in another post back on July 24, 2022, titled "GaroShadowscale: The Entitled Money Hogging Parasite" (right around the time when this blog took off), and I brought him up multiple times in different furry related posts because well, he is a terrible furry. If you haven't seen that post yet, I would recommend checking it out first before reading through this one to get the memo. This is a small update on what has been going on with GaroShadowscale in the last 5 months.

Quick Recap:

GaroShadowscale started his account in 2017 and became popular doing let's play videos with a facecam. He is publicly a furry and the first appearance of his fursona was back in the summer of 2019. In 2020 during his gameplay of Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated, he jumped on the VTuber bandwagon which is an awful trend. He was called out between 2020 and 2021 for the ridiculous Patreon Tiers he was offering along with his Discord server with all the strict rules. There was also him being disrespectful/hateful towards users either on his Discord or on Twitter to which they started the #garoshadowscale trend on how egregious he is. Because of this, he made a non-apology video about the situation and kept going. What makes it very difficult is that he monitors every bad comment to where you can't see them.

What's Different:

Highest Patreon Tiers Removed:

Since it has been 5 months, what was going on during that time? Well let's talk about the first one because it has changed. Everyone knows (or at least knew) about the overpriced Patreon Tiers. Originally Garo had 5 tiers ranging from $5, $25, $100, $250 and $500 with some of the most ridiculous rewards. A primary example is if you pay either the $250 or $500 tier, you will get a 20-minute voicecall with Garo specifically. That was at the beginning before he changed it to just a Private Voicecall. The only good news is that he completely removed both of those Tiers. Now if you go to his Patreon, you'll see that they're gone, probably because of the hate enough times that he just had enough.

But wait it gets worse from here on out. Originally when I did the other post, I forgot about these two charts. This is from a website called which measures how much earnings a creator gets through Patreon as well as show how many followers the creator has on Twitter. These graphs show how much Garo made between May-November of 2021. The highest amount he's ever gotten ripping people off was $1,192 in earnings which equals to $79.48 per patron. It's crazy that people spent the money on him because they worship him and yes, he still has supporters. I also want to point out that before the controversy, he had 3,291 followers on Twitter, but today only has 2,631 followers (which is roughly -20% of the followers).

Response Video to BetaEtaDelota / Shitting Out Garbage:

Roughly about a month ago on October 28, 2022, Garo makes a response video (shown above along with the short video in the tweet) to the drama that was surrounding him. He mentioned another furry YouTuber BetaEtaDelota into the mix because Beta made a video titled "THE WORST FURRY STREAMER EVER" (video since deleted but can be viewed in the archive) in which Beta talks about the problems with Garo. When Garo made his response video, he tried some occasions to get Beta on to talk to him. Currently it hasn't happened yet and most likely won't happen. It still seems like he'll never understand what he's done. To this day he's still hiding his body language without understanding the problems he's gotten himself into. It doesn't make any sense. Garo's video was received negatively with 367 likes to 948 dislikes.

Now in terms of him and his content, it's still terrible. It's the primary example of him not changing much. That was also another thing that I forgot to put into the other post is the fact that he plays NSFW games both on YouTube and on Twitch while he has a younger audience is completely absurd. He's never going to change and for his actions it shows.

Images & Sources:

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