Sunday, October 16, 2022

Coolcatfunhouse: Down the Abyss We Go

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I was originally going to upload this post, but around the time when I got locked out of this account it had to be scrapped and cancelled so I'm making this post again for the second time. I might as well talk about this guy since he still uploads content like there's no tomorrow. For today's post we are going to be talking about coolcatfunhouse; a "YouTuber" who makes movies as well as books based on his mascot Cool Cat (as the name implies), but has been exploiting people for the misleading advice, gives out false Copyright Strikes to YouTuber's to talk bad about him and was also arrested for having a firearm. He also supports NFTs so it's not really a surprise.

Coolcatfunhouse (formerly known as Derel Ray Evans or Derek Savage) Started his channel on October 29, 2012. He posted his first video 2 years later on March 9, 2014, which is a music video created by himself and was used in one of his movies "Cool Cat Kids Superhero" created back in 2018. For 8 entire years, Derek was known for his first film titled "Cool Cat Stops Bullying" created back in 2012 and it's pretty self-explanatory. This was also his first film before he ever became 'famous'. Anyways "Cool Cat Saves the Kids" was another film created back in 2015 and I guess the film teaches the basics of anti-bullying (something that was explained in the first film) and gun safety (I'm not exaggerating when I say this). Other mentions of his films included "Cool Cat's Crazy Dream", "Cool Cat Finds a Gun" (also self-explanatory) and another film that he created recently titled "Cool Cat Fights Coronavirus" which was around when the COVID-19 Pandemic was still going on. Derek would post videos on his channel related to the production of his films including behind the scenes.

Why He's Bad in General:

Copyright Strike Abuse / Crowdfunding Scams / Negative Film Reception:

Unfortunately, this is the only full movie of Cool Cat that I could find since paying around $60 seems like an afterthought and the ones I could find are directors cuts (well the second video is). Let's start with the most obvious one and that is all of Derek's films have been nothing but pure total garbage. They look like something that you would see at school in the late 90s and early 2000s all because of the style he chose. Because apparently that's just how he rolls most of the time. All of his movies are low effort with nothing added to it other than just poking fun at Derek. My guess is that it's supposed to teach lessons to kids but does it in the worst way imaginable. The people who do the voice of Cool Cat and Dirty Dog are somewhat better actors than Derek, however it's not saying much.

Now we get to the meat and the bones of this because it's pretty damn crazy. A YouTuber by the name of I Hate Everything (IHE also known as Alex) posted the Cool Cat Saves the Kids video on November 8, 2015, as part of his series titled "Search For the Worst." Not even a day later that the video was struck down by Derek and Alex got a copyright strike (even though Derek knew about IHE and praised him and the video falls under fair use). This spawned Alex to make three separate videos (two are shown above) about the details between him and Derek, including the email conversations they had back and forth as well as explaining that the video was under fair use. A couple of YouTuber's: and Bobsheaux praised Alex and moved forward with the counter claim (he got the video back). Meanwhile YourMovieSucksDOTorg makes a video about Derek's bullshit Copyright infringement and Fair Use video, exposing Derek for lying about the copyright infringement and giving examples which defendants have claim fair use but not actually winning the case. As a result, the video was deleted but was reuploaded and Derek blocked YMS on Twitter.

Derek is also known to have use crowdfunding or Kickstarter money to make these movies, even though you can do it yourself using a handheld camera and some video editing software. Anyways there's a new film coming out by him and that is Cool Cat vs Dirty Dog Unleashed. This is also another way to get involved in some scams as he just takes the money for himself like what he did with the Coronavirus film, another way of capitalizing with the pandemic. YMS also talked about how he got unblocked by Derek and was trying to message him as if nothing happened. This led to him blocking Derek on Twitter as revenge for Derek's stupidity. Cool Cat at this point had become a meme and was created with a vast majority of YouTube Poops which isn't surprising.

Images & Sources:

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