Friday, December 9, 2022

Quick Update: The Other Account [UPDATE: December 10, 2022]

Hello everyone. This is just a quick update on the situations that was happening to the other account that I had. For those that need context, click here for more information.

To give you a quick rundown, I created another account way back in August of 2022 and created a Site using Google Sites for the time being as well as being under the same name 'Worst YouTuber Segment.' The reason why I couldn't get back into this account was because I forgot about the recovery email, and it was my fault. Once I got back, the other account ended up being disabled by Google. So, with that being in mind, I've got some good news and maybe a little bit of bad news.

The Good News is that I was able to get access to the other account. After about 20 tries of non-stop appeals from them, Google finally stepped in and say that the account does meet the guidelines and that I was able to recover that account. It also took 9 weeks to straighten things out.

Possibly The Bad News is I don't know if they'll lock this account. Even though this is a blog, the other account was created by Google Sites which is one of their applications and they barely do anything to blogspot (blogger). I don't know, I might be worrying about this too much.

Content Transfer:

Also, Other Account Deletion:

During this time, you may see a couple (only 3) of premade posts that were made from the other account. Once that's done, then that account will be permanently deleted along with the Googles Sites Site. It's to help prevent Google from locking this account. Anyways thank you for reading this and thank you for you're understanding. I will also update this post when the deletion process happens.


- Michael Bay

UPDATE: December 10, 2022:

Well, this is the first update talking about an update (how ironic). I've already chose the three premade posts that I wanted here and since then deleted the Google Sites site from the other account as well as deleted the account also and so it's no longer present. The premade posts will be uploaded once per day and the wording for each of them will be change a little bit.

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