Friday, August 12, 2022

Bezba: Minecraft Content at an All New Low

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Boy let me tell you I haven't brought up any Minecraft related content since the time I talked about JellyBean and the awful Minecraft PNGTuber Clones. Well today we are back once again but this time I think I found the worst content creator yet, mostly in the Minecraft Community and that is Bezba (channel name is Bezba - Noob), who started very recently and jumped onto the Minecraft content bandwagon. This is also another short post since his history is very recent and there's not much information about this user. It's not the only short post that I've done in fact, I did a post on Foodistzen who was excited for the death of Technoblade. If you're interested check it out.

Why He's Terrible:

Clickbait Titles and Thumbnails:

So let me start off by saying that this newer type of content whether it would be related to gaming, vlogs or anything, it's fucking terrible. I feel like when new channels come to life and adults act like kids, it goes to show that this generation is ruined. With Bezba it's no different. Bezba really hasn't done anything that is considered damage control, but I mean just look at these video titles and thumbnails, and it's literally the same thing throughout. His channel was created back in May of this year, so it goes to show that people are scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

As shown in the video above, he tries to make it appropriate for the general audience by adding a variety of different sound effects and montages to each video and it really doesn't work. CRINGE WARNING. To me, Bezba installs mods, and a lot of times replace textures with pictures of anime girls. It's fucking terrible and gross at the same time. His audience has been overtaken by kids which makes him garner over 1k-5k views for several videos to 30k-60k views for other videos. It doesn't make any sense at all. Once again this goes to show that this generation is corrupt, and nothing will change it. It's basically ruining everything that was once great about YouTube (back in the days). He considers it a meme when it's not.

This is something that's off-topic but it's also the first time I ever get to talk about this guy since there hasn't been any information on him and he's so obscure, but there really isn't much to talk about as it's a short post. What more do you want?

Images & Sources:

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