Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Shelos1Life: Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
Some of this will be translated.

We live in a world full of reaction channels on YouTube. I mean seriously, when any sort of video is released, you'll see the YouTuber's who do reaction videos react to it. Now I'm not saying that all reaction channels are bad, however the ones that are scraping the bottom of the barrel are the shitty ones like the music reactions. This individual does it far worse and for today's post we have Shelos1Life; a Spanish YouTuber who does reaction videos but was caught in the line of saying disgusting shit to a deceased YouTuber and tried to exploit his death similar to that of ImJayStation. Personally, YouTube should've took action to terminate his channel but they didn't and is still producing shitty content.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Whatever Happened to Two Awesome Gamers

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Apart from the news that Google said about deleting the Album Archives, I will continue to post until the deadline meets and will have to switch to a different service. Now before you get mad at me for putting these guys here on the list, be aware that I used to be a fan of theirs back in the day. In fact, I was originally going to create another blog related to the best YouTuber's out there and put them on that list, but with the change that they did was a fatal mistake on their end and it shouldn't have been this way. I mean we've definitely see this happened before like when I talked about a Roblox YouTuber by the name of Straw. With that being said, let's talk about Two Awesome Gamers.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The State of This Blog [Album Archive Deletion]

I typically stay out of these types of topics, but this is so bad that it needs to be discussed because it involves not only Blogger users but also people who use hangouts or any google application. So, this is kind of an update situation regarding this blog at its current state.

Roughly about 5 days ago around the time that when I was making a post regarding The Pink Sauce Lady, I (and many others) received an email from Google talking about the deletion of The Album Archive. Typically, when you upload and share photos, those photos will be transferred to The Album Archives to which you can view them later. Unfortunately, this is devastating to users who use any of their services including Blogger because any of the photos you share with their services are affected.

So, what does this mean for this blog? Well, I know for a fact that all of the images present here will most likely be deleted by the time the deadline meets and therefor, you might see the images as dead icons. It also sucks since I've been on this blog for roughly a year and I've come very far to what it is today. Anyways, I will continue to make posts on this blog but once it comes close to the deadline, I will have to find an alternative. One that comes to mind is either WordPress, Medium or Wix.

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Fall of Miraheze

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people or this company.
I want to put a disclaimer here that not all users are bad. There are some good civil users who just work on the wikis.

We haven't talked about any particular website since TheSoul Publishing so let's talk about another one. Wikis are pretty much everywhere at this point. A lot of them are very basic and average ranging from the ones like video games, movies, television shows, etc. No matter what you search up for, you'll find wikis that can be beneficial and can help you out most of the time. But unfortunately, you will come across some of the worst wikis out there and it's not much information as it is with hitpieces. That is what exactly this website is and for this we have Miraheze; a free online hosting service that allows people to make custom wikis, but all leads downward when it comes to their community.

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Pink Sauce Has Hit Stores with Mixed Reception and It's a Flop

This post has been updated: Click Here.

By now you've probably heard this story many times about this lady Chef Pii and her abysmal creation known as The Pink Sauce. This started out as a TikTok Trend to which many people had questions on whether or not it was safe to eat. Many people who bought The Pink Sauce arrived in exploded containers due to the heatwave and she was slammed about the product not being FDA Approved. This caused her to go in complete damage control by slamming people on a show called The Karamo Show. I talked about her twice with the first one titled The Pink Sauce Drama and a second one being an Update. This post is more of a continuation of the previous so I won't recap on what's been happening.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Downfall of MondoMedia [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people or this company.
WARNING: Some of the content may be disturbing to some viewers.

This is a company called MondoMedia; a studio where they specialize in animation, art and primarily focused on adult entertainment. Typically, I wasn't going to talk about this company since nothing really has been failing them even though they've been on a steady decline when it comes to any series they release. It's kind of similar to when I talked about Toei Animation with the downfall of the content they produce as well as trying to censor people. However, this one is totally different and that for them it's hard to find original content they create because it will only last for an episode or two and will be immediately forgotten. So this is the story of MondoMedia

Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Disgusting Fall of JinBop

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I swear, every post that I talk about related to any YouTuber's, it gets worse and worse on every single one. That is with this guy as his career only lasted for roughly 3 years until he was immediately cancelled for being a predator. I've talked about YouTube predators before in the past like Mini Ladd (with Update), Zoe Laverne, Horror Versions, Rocky Rakoon, AmorAltra, Charem the Shadox (with Update) and the entire list goes on. Check out those posts if you're interested, but anyways were talking about another one and for this we have JinBop; a YouTuber who was known for playing a lot of games and being part of the Minecraft Community, but stopped uploading after the allegations came out.

Friday, June 9, 2023

The iilluminaughtii Situation is Way Worse And Out of Control [UPDATE: June 12, 2023]

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Holy shit, as if the whole drama never ends with Blair. So, we are back once again to give you another update regarding Blair and her shitty tactics. This is also not the first time I talked about her. In fact, I've talked about her twice now; the first one titled "iilluminaughtii: When Shit Goes Too Far" which goes over the history, issues with LegalEagle and her manipulation and abuse towards the members of Sad Milk and the second one being an Update which covers the state of her content and her complete lost in subscribers. Since it had been roughly a couple of weeks, since then there had been new information about her and to be perfectly honest, it's quite damning to say the least.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Ben Phillips: One Crypto Scammer Please

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Well were back once again to bring you another scam-based YouTuber known as Ben Phillips. This is the first time I ever get to talk about someone who's into Crypto. Of course, this is not the first time I've ever discussed things related to Crypto. One of the posts that involved Crypto and NFT's was ViralHog, a company that steals videos, violates peoples copyright and scams their audience. Check out that post if you're interested. Anyways were talking about Ben Phillips who had went from being homeless to being a millionaire within a matter of months, but the walls started to come crumbling down after he was exposed for a crypto scam behind the scenes. More on that later.

Monday, June 5, 2023

The Disgusting Decline of IAmSp00n

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

What a complete and utter surprise that we are back to bring you another post. We haven't talked about any Minecraft YouTuber's in a while so why not talk about one today. Yes, I've discussed many of them in the past like BabaStreams, Steveee, Naya Momoko, Luke TheNotable, JellyBean Ft. Clones and the list goes on. Check out those posts if you're interested, buy anyways today we are going to be talking about IAmSp00n; a Minecraft YouTuber that used to be part of a server called Hermitcraft in 2012 and has done things related to SMPs, but was caught due to sexual misconduct and therefor leaving his channel abruptly. He hasn't been active since 2020.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

GaroShadowscale Is STILL a Horrible Person

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Who never knew that a person with a big ego and a tiny brain could actually sink down all the way to the core. Well, that is for GaroShadowscale in this case as were talking about him yet again because quite a bit has changed (spoilers: for the worse, trust me on this). I've talked about Garo the past two times; the first one in July titled GaroShadowscale: The Entitled Money Hogging Parasite where it talks about the ridiculous Patreon Tiers, stalking users to watching his streams and shadowbanning comments that talk bad about him and the second one in December which is an Update on him regarding how much money he earns, the response video he's made and the absolute shittiness of him being a person. Now we get to talk about him because he's down to the core and it's not pretty.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Quick Update [June 1, 2023]

Hello everyone and Happy Pride Month. I really don't have any posts at the moment regarding YouTuber's, events or anything so I figured that I would give you all another quick update on what exactly has been going on since the last time.

Very recently (or yesterday), I had a post that was called "SodaCityFurCon: Non-Existent Con With a Terrible Leader." In that I talked about how the con was falling apart at the start of the new year. Well, that post had to be deleted, not the fact that the creators came out forcing me to delete it but because it wasn't good enough in terms of the information. I was originally going to continue to update it but because I talk a lot about the Dumpster Fire known as Free Fur All, it would be so much work to talk about two conventions back-to-back. Evidentially, that post will be replaced with another convention that's downright terrible.